Chapter 12

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So me and Niall are most definitely in the mile high club now. We're lucky this is a private jet and not a public plane. In more terms than just sex.

I had a shower on the way home. Ni fell asleep and I stank so I showered. Then I got to watch a few movies on the big screen. And I also had time for a gaming sesh of the Sims.

"I'm going to take a shower once we land. There's not enough time now. I need one badly." He does. Both of us stink. This jet smells like sex. I'm not lying when I say I'm kinda used to the smell now. But that doesn't mean it's a nice smell.

"We will be landing in 2 minutes." The pilot announced through the speaker. Our pilot was also doubled as my bodyguard. Not that I need one in New York. No one knows who I am anyway. I only got stopped twice and both times were by British people.


"It's so nice to be home!" We just pulled in through the gates. I've been missing my house so much! Apparently there's a surpise waiting for us when we get inside. I feel like I know what the surprise is. Mum will most probably turn it into a dinner party.
"Come on Nialler!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the taxi. Bentley grabbed both our cases and brought them in behind us.

Once we got in the door there was nothing. It was eerily quiet.
"Hello? Mother? Is anyone home?" No reply.
"Looks like we got the place to ourselves Nialler, let's go up to my- our room." It's not just mine anymore.

"Oh no you don't! We need hugs first!" The boys all came running out from our special room and pulled us into a massive group hug.
"I've missed you way more than you can imagine Kenzie!" Harry has definitely missed me. He wouldn't stop messaging to check up on me.

"Kenzington! Darling you're home! I need a word." I ushered for her to speak. she looks drunk.
"Alone." Now she looks serious. Oh well.

"Sorry mother but anything you have to say to me can either wait or be said in front of my friends. I'm trying to enjoy being back and seeing them again." She scoffed.

We all walked off into our room.
"Kenzington Grace Raynott you get back here this instant or- or- or you'll recieve no dinner tonight!" She would ground me normally. But I'm 18 now. Once you turn 18 you can't get grounded. At least in this house you can't.

"Fine. Just speak mother. The boys won't repeat anything nor do they care what you're about to say." Ni came and wrapped an arm around me protectively.

"That is what I want to talk to you about. This thing between you and him. You file for a divorce this instant Kenzington Grace! Now! I did not agree to you marrying him. Of all people your music teacher? For goodness sake Kenzington I thought I brought you up properly."

"Mother you did bring me up properly. You know what, I didn't agree to marrying Liam! At least I got a choice in this matter. If anything you can blame Liam. He's the one who suggested it!" Liam looked offended.

"Mother I am married. Me and Niall have got along very well and bonded over the course of the two weeks we've been away. Me and Liam are still friends. I'm married for goodness sake. That's what you wanted isn't it? You wanted your daughter to get married and be happy! You've got that now! What more could you want?"

To say I'm pissed off would be an understatement.
"Okay fine. You're right. I haven't given him a chance. He's got a month to prove he's worthy of you." Prove he's worthy of me? Bitch please if anything I don't fucking deserve him! I just got lucky. I love him and he loves me.

"How can I prove to you Mrs Raynott that I'm worthy of your daughter?" He's already proving somewhat with his arm around me.
"Get her pregnant. If she is not pregnant by the end of the month you were not worthy and she will begin trying with Liam. If I choose to make you leave she will be divorcing you and marrying Liam." Fuck you mother.

"I will try my hardest Mrs Raynott."
"Please, call me June." She's finally being friendly... About bloody time! All she wants is for me and Niall to fuck loads to prove that he's worthy of being married to me. That's easy!

We all went into the private room and locked the door. Everyone went to their seats.
"I have another plan. She's not getting rid of you that easily." Each boy groaned. Why, I'm not sure. The plan worked perfectly last time. This one will too.

"I'm not putting up with seeing you and Liam together again!" He grabbed round my waist a bit tighter. His protective side has kicked in.
"No it's nothing like that! It still involves you Nialler."

"Look Kenzie, are you sure you're not pregnant already? I just feel like you are." Louis queried yet again. He keeps bringing it up.
"I've been bleeding many times since you last brought it up. The only times I recieved symptoms was in September when I was ill."

Why is it that whenever Louis decides to bring up pregnancy, they all look my way.
"Just tell us the plan then. What's happening?" There's no way they'll say no to this.

"Basically, we just fake it. Then we pretend I lost it."
"But we don't need to fake it." Niall was muttering under his breath but I understood all of it. I'm certain the other boys did too.

"I can print off a fake scan picture with details on and everything. We'll show it to her at the end of the month." It's so easy to fool my mother. She doesn't ever notice when you're lying.


There were sudden notifications to everyone's phone all at once. Except Harry's. He looks scared. The text was from him. It only said 'SHUT UP' in caps and lots of exclamation marks.

"You okay Haz? Did you want to say something?" Now he looks even more nervous.
"I just wanted to do something. But I didn't want to make it big. Like we discussed the rest of it wouldn't be." What's going on?

Harry stood up and pulled Louis up with him. He grabbed ahold of Lou's hands and pulled him close. They're that close their noses are touching.
"I'm not going to make this long or complicated. I'm just going to cut to the chase. Louis I love you so much! I want to spend the rest of my life with you for goodness sake! So Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?" I'm crying. I feel more emotional than normal lately.

"Of course I will Hazza." They pulled each other into big hugs and I continued to cry whilst cuddling into Niall. Those two are just so cute. And technically engaged now. I dibs being a fucking bridesmaid!

"This is such an exciting time. This past month has been incredible!" We've had a wedding and a trip to New York. Then there was the arriving home part. Now there's an engagement between Harry and Louis! They're going to look so cute when they get married. Meanwhile, I'm just hoping my plan goes right.

A/N so I'm currently sick and in bed doing nothing all day constantly. Have been for the past 3 days now. Really I should be revising but I just can't be bothered if I'm honest. Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Xx


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