Chapter 8

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I wish the weekend had come round slower. Then I'd be spending time with the boys. Not dress shopping with my mum. And it's got to be today. The wedding isn't until the end of next month.

That's only a month away I suppose. The exact date will be the 26th of December. Why boxing day you say? You tell me. I left that down to mum. She wanted to do it christmas eve but I told her no.

We can't do it christmas eve because that's Louis' birthday. I'm helping Harry, Lottie and Fizzy to plan a surprise party for him. Only with close friends though. None of this whole school business like the wedding.

That's another thing, the teachers have also been invited. The bitch is coming to my wedding! I don't want the bitch at my wedding! Miss Batchon is not welcome. Mr Batchon is. Mr Batchon is an angel! I wish I was a boy just so I could be in his school instead of this one.

On the other hand I could also get a right old telling off from her. Niall's my teacher (and I'm his best student) so that's awkward. She doesn't know but she'll find out. We'll have to do it in a way no one realises we were together already.

"What the fuck do I wear?" I turned to Niall to get his opinion.
"Anything that's not that babygirl." We just had sex. I'm in my underwear.
"That doesn't help... Daddy." I think he just got hard again.

"Babygirl don't." I think imma tease him a little.
"But why daddy? I like calling you daddy. You like it when I call you daddy too. Come dress me daddy." I gave him my most cute and innocent puppydog eyes.

"Okay babygirl. Pick your clothes and I'll help you get dressed." I picked up some new panties and a different bra. Some of Niall's favourites. Then I chose out a black skater skirt and a plain black tshirt.

"Oh babygirl you don't know what you do to me." I think I have some idea.
"Dress me daddy. I need to be dressed." I handed him all the clothes and sat in front of him.

"Come on baby. You can do this yourself." I gave him the pouty look.
"But you promised... Pleeaassee!" I'm giving him the puppy dog eyes again. He didn't actually promise but he'll give in.
"Fine. Hand me your underwear. Take the old ones off though." I took off the dirty ones and stood in front of him completely naked.

He let me get my feet in and then pulled my panties up and played with the waist band a little. Then I felt a gentle slap to my ass. I felt every piece of his hand crash down on it as I'm wearing a thong.

Niall picked the bra up and put my arms through the straps. He told me to sit in front if him so I sat directly between his legs and wriggled a little. Just to be a tease y'know.
"Stop moving babygirl. I won't get you dressed otherwise." That made me stop. I want to keep teasing. He pulled the clasps together and put it on the second one, just how I like it. For now anyway.

He put my skirt on first. Then he put the tshirt over the top. Then he tucked the tshirt into the skirt. He knows just how I like to wear my clothes. I also made sure my hair still looked presentable in the two braids I did before our little 'session' this morning.

In perfect time there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Niall ran round the corner just in case.
"Miss Kenzington your mother is here. She would like you to collect a few students on the way. You will also need to go to the boys school." Woohoo!

"Thankyou Darcy. And remember, just call me Kenzie when no one else is around."
"Of course miss- Kenzie! Of course Kenzie." She gave me a little smile before leaving the room.

"Ni go to your room or just downstairs. I'm getting the girls." He can easily make it look like he's come from the library. Miss Batchon thinks he loves it there. Ha! She's completely wrong!

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