Chapter 6

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No parents... No adults. They all left late last night. We don't have to deal with them for a week. I'm in charge. Along with Liam. But I don't have to pretend I love him constantly. I do of course just as a friend. Not in a serious way.

"Come on boys I have a whole season of The Walking Dead to catch up on! We're watching 2 episodes before lunch!" I've got a few things planned for us to do today. The Walking Dead is the top thing on my list.

I dragged all 5 boys into the livingroom and sat them down. They have no choice. We're watching this. I left my laptop at home for the first term so couldn't watch it then. Mum also doesn't let me watch it while I'm here as she thinks it's 'too inappropriate' for me.

I shoved it on the tv and started to watch the first episode of season 7. I've not been able to watch it for ages!
"Kenz, what are we doing later?"
"Shush! I'm watching this." No one interrupts TWD. If they do they die.


"So who's Coral again?" I literally eye rolled at Louis.
"His name is Carl. He's Rick's son. Although it really wouldn't surprise me if he's Shane's too like Judith probably is." Just giving them a little run down of what's happening.

"Rick's the leader of the group. Correct?" I nodded my head at Zayn.
"Rick's the leader of their little group but then other groups comes along and he mostly stays as the leader since he's such a good one." I personally think Maggie should be a leader too. She'd be perfect at it!

A few more questions here and there and we come onto the topic of pregnancy. Now we're discussing the symptoms of pregnancy. It's weird really. I've been recieving a few of them. Surely everyone does though.

"Well you get stomach cramps a lot and your appetite has grown over the last month or so. You're tired more often and you pee a lot." When I came down with what I'm assuming was the flu I recieved symptoms like these. And more. Which could also come under pregnancy symptoms.

"Kenz, are you pregnant?" Lou asked.
"No Louis. If I was pregnant I wouldn't still be bleeding every month and my stomach would be growing." It was a bit of a daft question.

"Oh it's just that I've got a weird instinct feeling that you are. Not really too sure why but I just feel like you could be." When Louis has instinct feelings they're usually right. But not this time. Although Niall seems worried and is clinging onto me again.

"Oi Niall! What you doing mate? You're squishing her." Zayn hasn't been around for ages. I can't blame him for not knowing.
"It's fine Z. He's been doing this a lot. Ever since just before I got the flu." That's when the pregnancy type symptoms came in too.


"Oh no you don't Styles! I know where you are! I'll get you. You'll be soaked in a minute." We're having a water gun fight. There's teams. 3 teams of 5. I'm with Niall, Lottie, Louis and Aurelia. I'm team captain. Then there's Harry, Fizzy, Zayn, Matt and Daisy. Harry is team captain. The final team is Liam, Mal, Willow, Phoebe and Seb. Liam is team captain.

I've currently got my team dotted around the place. Tactics. Although me and Louis are basically right next to each other. Harry's team is all together. I don't entirely know where Liam's team is.

"On 3." I started to whisper to Louis. We've got them surrounded. I'm also about to make a hand signal. My hand is currently up.
"1... 2... 3." I put my hand down and the five of us surrounded them and squirted them all with water until they were soaking wet.

I held my gun up to Harry.
"Surrender now or you'll regret it." He dropped his gun and put his arms up. I started spraying him again just because I could.
"Kenz... We're about to be attacked as well." I stopped and turned round to see Liam's team behind us.

"Join us to defeat them or get soaked. Your choice." I made my team all get behind cover. Harry's team joined us. They don't want to get any more wet than they already are.

"I'm coming for you... I can't get you all but I know the team captains are together. Two in one." He's wrong there. We're not together. Harry is by Louis (big mistake) and I'm with Niall. We're all in twos but very spread out. I've got a good view on Liam's team.

"Ready?" I looked around at everyone and made the hand signsls again.
"AMBUSH!" Liam beat me to it so everyone just got up and started squirting water at each other. Instead of sticking to our teams, it turned into an all against all. It was fun!


"No point showering boys. They're all doing some just dance. We're going out to the horses." They look annoyed at that.
"Just one dance?" I shook my head.
"This is going to be on all day. I planned a trip with the horses. I even told the stable keeper, whose name always slips my mind." It does change regularly so that's probably why I never remember.

I took the boys out to the horses, making each one carry a towel. I'm planning on going in that stream again. Mum would never allow it. But mum isn't here. Kenzie's in charge. What Kenzie says, goes.

We each took a horse out. The boys going for whoever. Except Zayn. He doesn't have a particular horse to go to. He's not riding my brothers horse either. I'll just share with Niall.

"Nialler, let Zayn take Skye. You're coming with me on Merlin." That way he can't stress about not being close enough to me. He'll be sat right behind me. The saddles we have are big enough. Merlin's strong enough to carry the weight of us both. He's a good boy.


"Come on! I need to splash you all again. Just keep the towels away. The horses can have them for now." I made them all take their towels back to the horses and then take their socks and shoes off.

I'm already in the little stream/ river thing. You don't have to tell me twice to get in. Getting out however is a different story. I love being in here. Especially when I get all the boys absolutely soaked.

"Ha! Got you Liam!" He's now got a sopping wet back because of me.
"Ha! Got you too Kenz!" And now my whole front is drenched. Oh well! That's the whole reason I came out here. To get wet and to have fun with my friends.


We had the towels wrapped round us on the way back. I wasn't allowed to take my towel away from myself according to Niall. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm wearing a blue bra under a now see through white tshirt. Fun times.

The maids made us all go to our rooms at once and take showers. I told them that I'd shower when I feel the need to. They can't boss me about. I need to show THEM who's boss.


I joined everyone again in the games room playing just dance. Mum hated me when I first bought it. Then it's all anyone wanted to do whilst they were here and she thanked me massively for it. I mean who doesn't like just dance? (Shy people, that's who)

I just had to join in on a dance. It was a great song but only Niall and Louis were doing it. We're the terrible trio that shouldn't ever be allowed to do anything all together unless in front of anyone from my family.

If we're in front of my family we behave. When we're not then we're the stupidest people on earth! We get up to all sorts of crazy shit when my mum and stepdad aren't around. The kind of crazy shit I used to do with my dad and brother.

I wish they were here. But I'm going to message H and tell him that he and dad are welcome to the wedding. Mum will hate it! Even more to add to the growing plan. I'm quite excited for this wedding if I do say so myself.

A/N so I'm currently on Easter break and I've literally spent the whole time doing sweet fa 😂 I've been losing track of days too which means this chapter nearly wasn't published so you're lucky I love you all!


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