Chapter 10

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I woke up with a load of banging on my door. That's stressful. I don't like being woken up.
"Kenzington get your bottom out of bed this instant! You need to be awake." Of course it had to be mum. Who else would wake me up at- 10 to 7 on boxing day.

"I'm coming mother. Just getting myself decent." I sleep wothout a bra on and she knows it.
"Be down for breakfast by 7." I have ten minutes. Thank goodness for that! I don't think I'd be able to drag myself straight out of bed right now.

I checked through social media quickly and messaged the groupchat. No one responded. How rude. So I also messaged the girls groupchat I have. Again there was no response. They're probably still asleep. I mean it is ten to 7 in the morning.

Once I'd put my phone down I got up. Before heading downstairs I had to put a bra on. My brothers don't need to see me braless, nor my stepdad. That would not be a good look.
"Good morning everone." I said cheerily as I walked into the dining room. All my siblings and family are in here.

"Morning Kenzington." A few of them responded.
"My oh my, someone's cheery today. Excited to get married are we?" Shit. That's today! How the fuck did I forget? Play along Kenzie. Remember all the things Mal's been telling you.

"Very! I'm so excited to marry Liam. Me and him have gotten along so well. Oh and we discussed something mother. Something you'll be quite happy about." This is going to shock her massively. I took a seat as she replied.
"And what might that be sweetheart?" I can't wait to see her reaction.

"Me and Liam discussed things and... We've decided that we would like children. As soon after as we possibly can. As long as it's okay with you. Since we'll be living here I mean." Her face is lit up. She clearly doesn't know what to do with herself.

"That's fine! That's wonderful! Oh my goodness me a grandchild! Or even children. We've got twins in our genes sweetie. You could have twins!" I hope not. One kid is too much for me right now. I'd much rather wait a little while.

"So you really want to 'put his dick in your vagina' as you very kindly put it." I cringed massively. My brothers and sisters are sniggering. Even my step dad is finding this funny.
"Yes mother. That's what I'm saying. Although please never say that again." I'm still cringing. Everyone else is still laughing. I bloody hate her.


Breakfast was good. We had pancakes. Mum knows it's my favourite. Since today is 'all about me' she made sure to have it specially made.

My bridal party came round at 8. There's a lot of people to get ready. But I made sure to spend time with Doris and Ernest. I don't tend to see them that much. When I do, I'm not around them for long enough to actually play with them.

We've currently got Daisy, Phoebe and Mal getting their hair done. At the same time Willow, Lottie and Fizzy are getting their makeup done. Mum sad Lottie wasn't allowed to do our makeup. I wish she could because it's perfect when she does it!

"Harry, Louis, come play with us!" The twins copied my words and also asked them to come play.
"That sounded like the creepy twins from the shining." Louis pointed out. Not gonna lie, it did.

Even so they came and sat with us. The boys will be getting their hair sorted while us girls have our makeup done. My brothers have already had theirs done. They dibsed it first. My everything has to be done last to ensure that it stays in.


So all the girls makeup is done, including Doris who has a little bit of lipstick on and some blush and a tinsy bit of eyeshadow. Everyones hair is done but mine. The girls all have curly hair and it's pinned up nicely. The boys just have their hair in quiffs as usual.

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