Chapter 14

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L I A M (Ooohhh it's different!)

Kenzie wanted to go for a ride. She's not in a good way. Getting on a horse is the last thing she should be doing. She can't get on, on her own.

"Please get Merlin sorted for me. Prepare the other horses too. Snowy stays of course." She ordered to the man who now works here. I swear they hire a new person every month.

"I need us to be alone. We need to stay away from the house. We need to talk in private." She's heartbroken. Darcy got taken from them just under an hour ago. Niall looks dead inside.

"Your horses miss." She thanked the man and hopped on. Each of us got onto a horse. I took Skye today. Louis and Harry each jumped on a horse as well. Niall got on very unenthusiastically.


We were in the middle of the woods when Kenzie ordered for us all to stop.
"I can't go any further. I don't feel so good. We can stop here." If we'd just pushed a little further we could've got to the river. The one place she can go to take her mind off everything.

"Look, we need to leave. I can't stay here any longer. I wish I was back at the hellhole at this moment in time. I'm moving away and you all are coming with me. I need you all." We each hopped off our horses and went to sit with her.

"Baby, you can't leave. Your mother wouldn't allow it."
"I know. That's why we've got to sneak out. Tonight." I don't really know what's going through her head right now but I trust her. Something's telling me this is a good idea.

"I'm fine with it." Harry was the first to agree. Of course Louis did right after. They can't leave each others sides. They're just waiting on me.
"I'll go. But where is it we're going exactly?" Surely she's planned that out too?

"Well if it's okay with you Ni, I want to go to Ireland. As far away from England as possible but still in a place that feels like home." He nodded quietly. All of us did.

"I've got a house there. It belongs to my mother but she gave it to me. Each child has their own house in a seperate place. Mine just happens to be in Ireland." Well isn't that lucky. (No pun intended; just noticed this)

"We leave tonight. When everyone is asleep. I'll leave a note to my sister. Relly can inform the other siblings." She should also make sure Relly rips the note up so her mum doesn't find out.


Our ride back started off good. Niall was actually laughing. Kenz was too. But then she made us stop again. We were no where near home.
"I feel weak. I can't go on. I can't support the weight of myself." She looks like she's about to fall.

Me and Niall jumped off our horses and ran to her. We carefully pulled her off making sure not to hurt her. I held her whilst Ni got back on his horse. Then I carefully passed her up to him. He sat her inbetween his legs and made sure she was leaning into him.

"She's out. She's just blacked out. We need to get back quickly!" I knew this ride wasn't good for her. But of course I couldn't say anything. She was in pain. Pain from losing her baby. I didn't want to anger her.



We got back and I didn't waste a second in getting Kenzie to the nursing sector.
"Someone help! Help me!" Lori came rushing through behind me guiding me to a bed. I layed her down gently and held her hand in my own.

There was a needle going into her vein. Lori attatched something to it and suddenly a load of blood started pumping through from a little bag.

"Where have you been? The duchess was worried about you." How can she be worried? She is an evil caniving bitch who took my baby away.
"We were out in the horses. Just on our way back she stopped. She fell faint so I carried her back on my horse. Harry had to take Merlin back." Come to think of it, I don't even know if the others got back yet.

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