Chapter 13

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"Are you okay baby? Something's troubling you." I shook my head at him.
"I'm fine Ni. I just feel a little sick is all." Mother heard what I'd said and joined our conversation.
"It's probably just the baby Kenzington. He or she is prone to cause grief at this stage. What is it three months now?" I nodded silently.

It wasn't long before I really did feel a little sick.
"Mother, please may I be excused from the table for just a moment." I didn't even give her time to answer before I was out of my chair and to the nearest bathroom.

I started puking my guts up into the toilet and getting the worst stomach cramps ever. Niall was quick to get behind me and pull my hair back. He rubbed my back softly and gave me kisses every once in a while.

"I don't want to go back to dinner. Can you please help me to my room? You can go. I don't mind." He picked me up and carried me bridal style to our room. I felt the bed underneath me and sunk into the duvet.

"Thankyou baby. Please let mother know I'm okay. Just go along with it if she says it's the baby." He nodded and left. But not before placing a soft kiss to my forehead. From then onwards I slept.


I woke up for the 5th time since being placed in this bed. Only Harry and Louis are in here. Where's my Nialler? I need him.

"Louis... Where's Niall? I want Niall." He jumped slightly at my speaking. But then he awwed.
"Don't worry love, he'll be back in half an hour. He just left to get breakfast. Me and Harry have eaten already." Harry is protecting me as if he's my guard.

"But I really miss him Lou. I need cuddles. He won't mind it because it's you. Come cuddle." He shook his head.
"I'm not the one you need to ask that question to. Ask mr bodyguard over there. He's becoming almost as protective over you as Niall." I wouldn't expect any less from Harry.

"Hazzy- Hazza- Haz!" He looked over.
"You okay Kenz?" I nodded.
"Come cuddle with me. I need a cuddle buddy. I promise I'll try not to get you sick." He complied and jumped straight in next to me.

I felt him wrap his big arms around my tiny frame and I snuggled into him. Louis doesn't look jealous for once. He looks Happy to see me cuddled into his boyfriend.

"I feel like we're parenting you right now. Like you're our little girl and we must protect you at all costs." I couldn't be Harry's for sure considering I'm older. But then again he's bigger.

"I like it. You can parent me as much as you want. But that just means you're my personal slaves whilst I'm ill." Louis rolled his eyes at me.
"I love you Lou..." He replied with a quick 'I love you too' before getting off the bed and doing something on his phone.


I was sat so causally. Then all of a sudden I recieved this massive pain in my stomach. This isn't cramps. And it's a lot worse than usual. The ones I've been recieving are bouts of intense pain for about 30 seconds and they're 2 minutes apart.

There was a feeling of something pushing down on my bladder maybe. But my leg and the bed beneath me was wet. What's going on? I know for a fact that I did not just wet myself!

"Lou... Louis wake Harry up." He got up and came over to me.
"Everything okay?"
"Get Niall and Liam and my mum! I need Niall and Harry mainly." He didn't bother to question but instead shook Harry multiple times. When he saw Harry was awake he left the room.

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