Chapter 30

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There is an actual tour bus outside. Like a genuine tour bus with the boys on it. They have their own genuine tour bus for us to travel in. I don't think I've mentioned it enough times but there's an actual tour bus and I'm shaking.

"Nialler look at it! We're going to be travelling in that massive thing!" I ran in to all the boys who had just started eating breakfast.
"Okay Kenz. Calm down. It's just a tour bus." They haven't seen it yet. That is not 'just a tour bus'.

"Come see it. You'll understand why I'm freaking out." Oh if that's the outside I cannot wait to see the inside. Surely it's going to be tiny and cramped though? But there are 4 boys and 3 extras so they've got to give them a slightly bigger one.

"We're eating Kenz. After breakfast. You need to eat too. Bee will be up soon." Darcy is already up and eating her waffles. They're butterfly shaped, just the way she likes them. It's quite cute really.


As soon as breakfast was over I was up and dragging them all to the front entranceway.
"Woah! Okay now I know why you were freaking out. Fuck me that's incredible!"
"But I did that this morning." The four boys were quick to catch onto my joke.

"We do not need to hear about your morning antics. We already heard enough of it anyway." Well shit. That's not awkward at all... I suppose they've heard us fuck a million times before. It's no different to any of the other times.

"Let's go look Kenz!" Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the big tour bus just inside the gates.
"Harry, Kenzing- Kenzie. I'm guessing you'd like to take a look inside?" That's our driver. Our driver looks normal. He's so cool!

"We'd love to!" I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him in behind me.
"Look at is Haz! There's so much space in here." We've got a cute little kitchen area and a seating area with a table. Then there's another small seating area with a fucking tv screen. A tv screen!

"Here you can see the kitchen, with cupboards fully stocked, and a table area where you can eat at. Big enough for the 7 of you." I noticed the other boys have just got in as well. They look very shocked to say the least.

"Down there are the beds. There's six of them and an extra room with a cot inside." They gave us a cot too? We're so lucky!
"Oh and one of the big beds has a bed guard on it. Whichever that is will be Darcy's bed. Can't have her falling out now." Even more thoughtful of them!

"There's two bathrooms, one this end the other that end. Both have fully functional toilets, sinks and showers." This tour bus is just equipped with everything we need.
"Oh and the tv there has a playstation and xbox attatched to it." They're going to be bloody gaming all night long.

"I'm jealous now. I wish I could come with you guys! At least I get to stay in the times I'm off school." Relly doesn't get to enjoy a whole tour in this bus. The times she's off school we'll be in a different country so we're getting people to fly out with her to meet us.


"Right boys, are you ready?" They all started screaming and cheering.
"Then lets go! First stop... The Payne household!" There was another cheer until Relly started getting angry at them.

"You're all happy about me leaving? That's not nice! Especially coming from you dad- Liam! I meant Liam! Shit..."
"Aurelia June you do not swear!" Liam adopted Relly as his own. We gave him permission to. Relly begged him to do it. He now has full custody over my little sister.

"Sorry... I panicked and I didn't mean to. It just came out. I'm sorry Liam." He disciplines her well. But we all know he's a complete softie on the inside.
"It's fine Relly. Thankyou for apologising. Now back to what you said before..." What did she say before?

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