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🐸: Fucking hate this book. Anyways we changed Yoonie's age to like three or four I can't fucking remember.

Yui P.O.V

So, yesterday day was...interesting.

I woke up to someone pushing my shoulder.

"Mommy." my eyes shot open. There was this cute little girl, she was adorable.

And she looked like, me and Yoo-
"I'm hungry." She was pouting and still pushing my shoulder. I gulped and started nudging Yoongi.


He pushed me.

"Stop I want to sleep!" I started nudging him again.

"Yoongi look!" He sat up frustrated and his eyes went wide.

"Y-Yoonie?!" She nodded and rubbed her right eye.

"I'm hungry." Yoonie repeated.

Me and Yoongi looked at each other.



She's so cute it makes me want to cry

Please don't

Why is she so cute Yoongi I wasn't even that cute when I was younger! Yoongi what were you eating when you were her age?


"Hey!" She whined more and stomped her foot.

"O-okay lets go eat now." I said getting out of bed and putting on my slippers.

She grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"Yoonie...how old are you?" I asked.
She looked at me confused but happily answered.

"Three!" She held up all ten fingers then counted them and then held up three.

I smiled and nodded.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Cookies!" I smiled once again. If she can have cookies I can have cookies.

I grabbed the Oreos and we started eating them with some milk until Yoongi came in.

"...Yui." He staid sternly.

I pointed at Yoonie

"It was her idea." He looked at Yoonie she just smiled.

"Hi." She waved innocently.

We have to sign her up for school soon


"Yoonie you'll be starting school soon." Yoongi spoke while taking a seat beside me.

She pouted "No, I don't want to go to school. I'm staying home with mom."

"Sweety next week I have school." I shrugged.

"Dad." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Nope, you need your education." Yoonie got down from her seat and looked back at me then to Yoongi.

"I would like to go to my room."

"You didn't finish your cookies." I frowned.

"I'm not hungry." She said returning the frown and walking back to her room.

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