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Yoongi POV

It's been a few weeks since me and Yui got back from our honeymoon and i've noticed a change in Yoonie's behavior.

"Yoonie what's wrong?" She looked up from her lap and looked back down.


I pulled up to Yui's uni, and decided to try to figure out what has my baby so down.

"Yoonie, is there something going on?"

She looked up.

"Dad, you can't get mad okay?" She sounded very serious, but so cute. I nodded and gave all my attention to her.

"Theres something wrong with me..."

I gave her a questioning look.

"When I was at school my eyes weren't like theres."

I was about to ask what she meant until Yui entered the car

"Hey Yoongi, hi princess" Yui pecked me on the lips and passed Yoonie a candy bar.

I drove us home and looked back at Yoonie every once in a while.

"YOONIE COME HERE!" Yui was chasing Yoonie around

"NO!" Yoonie yelled teasingly.

Yui stopped chasing her and fell down.

"Ow Yoonie-ah mommy's hurt." she was pouting and fake crying.

"Mommy?" Yoonie ran to Yui.

"Oh no." She went to hug Yui but she quickly scooped her up and wrapped her arms around her.

"Got you~"

"Mom," Yoonie whined "You tricked me!"

"Oh shush I still love you."

She started dressing Yoonie in her princess clothes.

"Wait, where are the wings?"

I grabbed the little fairy wings off the hook and put them on Yoonie.

"YAY! I'm a princess fairy now." Yoonie said twirling.

"Don't you mean fairy princess?" I asked

"Dad, I'm a genius I don't need your corrections."

Why I outta-

Don't even

Did you not hear the way she talked to me?

"GRANMA AND GRANPA ARE HERE, BYE MOM BYE DAD!" Yoonie grabbed her things and left before we could say bye back.

Yui went into the kitchen with her laptop.

"Yoongi can you help me with my homework?"

I looked over at her homework

𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝘽𝙮 𝘼 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣//𝙈𝙔𝙂Where stories live. Discover now