╰☆☆ Yoongi POV ☆☆╮

THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING! Of all times to wake me up it had to be three?

"Yoongi." I felt Yumi nudging my shoulder

"Yumi, go back to sleep." I mumbled sleepily.

"Yoongi~" she whined.

I turnt around so I wouldn't be facing her.

"Oi, please wake up."

I rolled my eyes and turnt on my back looking at the ceiling.

"What.do.you.want?" I said gritting my teeth.

"...Can you get me olives and pineapples?" She asked playing with a loose string on my shirt.

I furrowed my brows, this time bewildered.

"You don't even like olives."

"Please~" She dragged out, "I wont bother you anymore...I promise." She held up her pinky for me to see.


I returned to laying on my back. I thought I was finally going to catch a break until Yumi crawled on top of me.

I ignored her until I felt something wet on my shirt, I slightly panicked.

"W-wait, n-n-no don't cry!" If she cries she'll get stressed and it'll harm the baby.

"I-I'll get the damn olives I swear even if it take me all night." I said trying to comfort her.

She sniffled and lifted her head off my chest.

"And the pineapples?" She asked wiping away tears.

"Yes, and the pineapples I promise. Just please don't cry!" I adjusted my hoodie on her and helped her lay down on her side of the bed.

*•.¸♡ Tiny Skip ♡¸.•*

So here I am now, driving and looking for god damn pineapples and olives.

"Where the fuck, are they." I sung dully while driving around

"I cant find the stupid olives and pineapples, where the fuck are they~"

All the stores were closed, all stores but a pizza store.


Oh god even the thought of those two as toppings of my pizza sound atrocious.

I quickly turned the car around parked and jogged inside.

The lady smiled, "How can on help you?"

"Hi, this may seem like a lot to ask but, can I get an olive and pineapple pizza...with out the pizza?"

She gave bewildered look.

"It's for my wife's pregnancy cravings, please you will be doing me a huge favor." I begged

She made an understanding face, "You poor young thing, I'll have them ready for you soon."

I sighed in relief.

"Thank you."

Poor young thing? I'm older than you by....millions of years.

She came back two minuets later with a mini pizza box.

"I'm not exactly sure what to charge you for this so, it's on the house,"

"I heated them up a little bit for you, here ya go hun." She said and gave it to me

"Thank you, have a great day!" I left a hundred dollar tip as I was running out hopping in my car and driving back to the penthouse.

Once I got inside I took the elevator up

I am so getting husband of the year for this.

Yumi was sitting on the bed looking out the window.

"Yumi." I said smiling she turned around quickly.

I handed her the box and she furrowed her brows.

"You got me pizza?"

"Open it dumbass." I plopped down on the bed next to her.

She opened it and looked up at me.

"You got them!" She said hugging me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squeezed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Please. Next time you have cravings, go out and do it yourself." I said kissing her and laying back down.

╰☆☆ Yumi POV ☆☆╮

"Yoonie-ah." I said approaching the bed.

Once I got close I stayed quite as if I were waiting for her to respond. For the first half hour I sat quietly, enjoying being in the same room as her once again.

"I came to visit you. I came to finally tell you; You're going to be a big sister. And I'm sure when you wake up you'll both get along."

I gently took her hand and held it.

"Everyone misses you. Lay and your dad are still trying to figure out why all this is happening."

"Also, I'm going to start my business. I wish you were awake so I could have helo drawing my designs." I laughed but I knew for a fact that I actually would have her help me because I struggle with originality.

Yoonie's hand twitched making me smile. That's how I knew she would be okay.

"Me and your dad are going to pick out the interior of my building, Lay helped me find one. I'm sure you and his son would get along. Bora says he's a bit like you."

Her hand twitched again. I applied some chapstick to her lips, and opened the curtains.

"There you go honey." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and fixed her hair.

"A beautiful angel....half angel." I corrected myself while fixing her pillow.

"Well, time is almost up. I'll see you later on sweety." I gave her another kiss and left.

As I was walking out I noticed my car was being surrounded, of course by Lay's men.

I sighed and as one of them picked my lock and held the door open for me proudly.

I couldn't even been mad, they were adorable...and a random high schooler that Jay and the rest of his men randomly let stay with them.

"Thank you."

*•.¸♡ BIG SKIPPA ♡¸.•*
Jk I fucking hate this book and have another chapter to write.

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