Chapter 11

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This Chapter is dedicated to @Chelstopolis


Vacation! Finally. I sighed happily when I heard the last bell. I was going to leave this place for two weeks. No more uncomfortable uniform, no more itchy wig, no more binding that kept my boobs from growing (trust me its true) and no more Easy... Yay!

I walked to room 230 to say goodbye to Ethan and Rori, I was going to miss those boys, too bad I live in Denver.

"Hey guys," I chirped cheerfully, but was welcomed by a ton of clothes on my face.

"Oh sorry Callie," Rori, who threw the clothes apologized.

"So, I see you guys are ready for the vacation?" I said, pushing my way through the pile of clothes. Damn how many clothes did a boy need?

"Hell yeah!" Ethan replied, "I mean beaches, tans and hot male models." He finished with a huge grin. "My parents invited me to come spend the break with them in the Bahamas, where they're having the photo-shoot."

Yeah, Ethan's parents were famous model photographers so he always got to see all the good stuff and meet different models. Ah... hot male models.

"I'm totally jealous." I smiled, shoving him playfully.

"I know, I'm allowed to bring friends." He beamed cheekily. "I'd take you but you live all the way in Denver." He shot me an apologetic look. "I guess it's just me, Rori –"

"– And the hot male models." Rori finished, smiling at his friend.

"Its fine," I said, chuckling at their girlishness. "Besides, I have to think of way to get back to Denver without my mom knowing I ever left."

"Right, yeah about that. How do you plan on pulling that off?"

"I'll think of something eventually," I sighed, "I'll see you guys in two weeks, Ethan send me pictures." I smiled at him jokingly.

"You know it." He winked at me.


"Wow, you're a B-cup?" Easy said, holding up my bra. "How do you hide all that?" He pointed at my chest.

My mouth formed an 'O' in shock, and I crossed my arms over my chest in attempt to cover what I called my boobs.

"And you also wear grandma panties." He laughed mockingly at my underwear.

"Hey! I really love those." I pouted, snatching it from him. Idiot Easy was not packing, all he did was sit on my bed, ransack my suitcase and stalk my life.

"Aren't you going on vacation?" I asked him, putting everything he'd scattered back in order.

"Why? Are you inviting me?" He said, slightly smirking.

"Not on your life Walsh." I joked, playing along. "But really, aren't you going home?"

"Nah," he said plopping back on his bed. "My parents are asses, I'd rather stay here than go back to that house."

What was with rich kids and family problems? I really didn't get it. I shrugged in response and continued packing.

"So... how do you plan on leaving the dorm and going home without your mom and the whole world knowing your 'secret'." he asked, air quoting secret.

Why were people asking me that question, I really didn't know either. It was times like this that I wished I had superpowers...sigh.

"I really don't know. I'll probably hitchhike again... I really don't know." Wow, I really didn't have a plan. What was I thinking? That I was going to live in this place and never go home? Damn I really am an idiot, doing things without thinking... stupid, stupid.

"Whatever you think will help you Callie." He drawled; yawning and curling back into his bed.

"See you later looser," I said, lifting my suitcase. "I hope you're dead by the end of summer."

"I hope you get caught hitchhiking."

"Bye Easy," I waved at his back.

"Bye freshman,"


I took my pass from the principal's office and walked to the gate. Damn my suitcase was heavy. I still had to get feminine clothes and find a way to convince my mom that I'll come home on my own... urgh! I wish I could just lounge here like Easy.

"Carl!" Liam called, running towards me.

"Hey, you going too?" I asked, grinning like the love-sick fool I was.

"Yeah. I wish I could stay here though, the summer's going to be boring." He sighed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why? Didn't it turn out the way you wanted?"

"Yeah, not exactly. My dad's going for some boring old people convention in Colorado, so guess where I'm spending my vacation? At a boring teachers' convention." He said, a sad look on his face.

God he was so hot... Wait what? He said Colorado right? Yes, he said Colorado! "Um, Liam? Where in Colorado will you be staying exactly?"

"I don't know... I think uh, somewhere in Denver. Not sure though."

That's it, the universe hated me. I was going to be in the same place as a girl for two weeks with Liam. God did I do something wrong? Am I being punished?


"Hey, don't you live in Denver?"

Bingo, cutie. I grinned slightly. "Yeah, I do." Unfortunately.

"Hey, maybe we could hang out." He said, his blue eyes lighting up, "Maybe there's something good about the trip."

I wish. I forced up a smile at him. "Maybe we could."

"Great! I guess I'll be seeing ya." He beamed, giving me one of those manly shoves.

I staggered, almost falling. It was amazing how much strength boys – or Liam – had.


I walked into the airport stretching my arms and breathing in the bad environment air. It was nice to be home, nice to be a girl again. My brown locks were as frizzed as a homeless lady's and I shifted uncomfortably in my dress. Yup, being a guy for months could change people.

My mom had called and I'd told her I would be coming home with Rachel. Yes Rachel, that bitch that ditched me when I got caught and expelled. I was going to kill her and make sure she loses her perfect hair she cherishes so much. All I hoped was that she hadn't told my mom anything yet.

I pulled out my outdated iPhone – don't blame me, I was broke – and dialed her number. It rang a few times, typical Rachel; she's probably partying or flirting with some bar guy....

"Hello," her voice said from the line.


A/N : [unedited story, written at age thirteen : if u keep on reading, pls do with that in mind and with thorough caution.] hi, it's me here. I wanted to do a scene of Callie at home; it's divided into parts, because it's going to be kinda long. Caroline Corinth (because she's hella cute) plays Rachel payne. also, Ethan and Rori at the media... aren't they just adorable? banner made by @charismatics.

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