Chapter Two

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Sana Pov.

"It's 2018 Sana".

It's really a new year and too a new year belongs a new me.

Today was my 3rd year of college and it would just take 6 month til I would graduate.

"Sana-yah sana-yah are you ready for this year?"

Euhna asked me breathing heavily from running.

"Of course I am, and you" I asked her back.

"Me too but i think i need to find a boyfriend" she said and I just giggled.

"Than have fun finding one".
jeongyeon said coming from the back with the other girls.

"YAHHH HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL" yerin said totally excited coming from the other side.

"Thank you yerin, same goes to you" I said back

"Okay what where we talking about again? searching boyfriends?"
euhna said.

"No no no euhna shii".
you're the one who's searching a boyfriend we not."
jeongyeonie said and hugged me from the side.

"Bwohya ? What are you know?
a couple?"

chaeyoung said looking smirking at jeongyeon.

"What are you talking about?!
we are normal friends, who just don't need boyfriend."
she said and I just nodded.

"Just say that you don't find a boyfriend"nayeon whispered.

"I heard that." she shouted at nayeon.


"Finding or not we still don't need boyfriends right sana?"

"Of course we don't". I said,

"But what happen with yu"— yerin Wanted to say his name but nayeon put her hand on her mouth too make her shut.

"Pleas don't mention that name when sana is in present". jeongyeon said glaring at yerin.

"Understand ma'am "she just said and made the sign what Soldat's always do.

"But what happened—"

"Ahh yerin can't you just shut up" they all said.

"Friends it's okay" I said to them.
yerin we broke up I said taking things from my locker.

"What you broke up? but why?
you were so a beautiful couple."  she said and i could feel that everyone where glaring at her.

"Yeah but maybe we weren't"I just said and left to take my next class.

On my way to the teacher's room since seolhyun seonsengnim asked me to take my last school stuff and books

I thought again about the things yeri said on the school floor.

She was right there were never problems between me and Yuta,
and we loved each other than non other couples, but then he just broke up with me. saying that he had someone new and didn't loved me anymore.

There were a certain time when I thought that it was my fault.

Maybe it was because I was to clingy.
Maybe it was because I was sometimes annoying.
Or maybe it was because I would call him 24/7 just because I felt bored.

so many guilt in my head that I thought it was my fault for our break up.

But then the others encouraged me saying how beautiful I've been and how I helped them by so many things.
They said that my character wasn't like I described myself.
I just pushed the thoughts away and got back on my regular days

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