Chapter Six

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Sanas Pov.

Today was the day of the competition and I just felt myself becoming more nervous when I saw all this students preparing themselves for the competition.

"Nervous?" Yuta asked.

"Mh I mean we didn't study and look how all of the students are they look like classic nerds."

"Classic nerds?" He chuckled

"I mean the nerds you always see in western films who knows more like you actually thing they know."

"Relax, like I said everything is going to be well and even when not who said that we are going to win?"
he said & I stared at him with big eyes.

"Wait so we aren't going to win?"

"No we are just going to do what senseongnim told us, he just said that they wanted us to attend it there were never a speech from winning".
he said and smirked.

"But— nah sana I know that you want us to win because they teacher asked us for help but we can't always complain that."

"You know , we both are smart but In this room are definitely more ppl who are it more than us." he said taking a hair strain behind my ear.

"I mean we can try but we just shouldn't have exceptions to win."

"Arasso" I just said.

3 hours later.

The competition was over and we became second place we could be one but I messed up because of my dumbness.

But still I was happy to be second place with Yuta it felt good to know that we did something together without
too fight.

The teachers told us that we could go home & after that I thought Yuta would bring us home but told me to follow him somewhere.
I was against it first because I just wanted to go home but he was to stubborn and pushed me in he's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him know for the 10 time.

"Patients you will see."

I watched outside the window I could recognize the roods from somewhere.

"Neh why do I know the roods from somewhere?"

"He stopped he's car and got out."

"Where are you going?" I shouted but he didn't stop.

"I guess he wants me to get out."

It was becoming dark and he was walking in the forest. I felt myself becoming scared but calmed down when I realized that he just was 7 steps before me.

"Yuta kun What are we doing here?" I said but he was continuing walking.

"I'm scared you know and when you aren't going to tell me where we going I plan to go back to the car and wait for you."

He turned now and walked in my direction.

I was startled when he stood before me because we had a big high different.

He chuckled when he looked at my eyes and the next moment I realized it.
He hold my hand and continued walking.

"Please where are we going? I feel tired" I said poouting but he was still pulling me somewhere.

I don't know - M.S & N.YTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon