Chapter sixteen

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Still at the engagement party.

Yuta's Pov.

The mood was nothing but tense nobody was talking beside my dad and Yamazaki asshole.

I really didn't like him he was trying really hard to include Sana in there business conversation since she was his assistant.

I mean I understand that this is one part of her duties but still I knew that my Sana Chan was uncomfortable around my dad and speaking with him made it double so hard because he didn't even dared to look at her or always would block her out of there conversation.

I couldn't handle it anymore that I spoke up.

"Yamazaki San it wouldn't mind you if I show minatosaki San the villa right?"
I asked ignoring her's and my dad's glare.

"No no it wouldn't" he said light confused.

I thanked him fast pulling sana with me before she could make a fuss.

I was pulling her to a place where nobody could see us.

She was trying to get out my grip but I would just tighten it more if she
would try.

I again checked it someone could see us and then gave my full attention at her she was nagging and crying the whole time that i should let her go until I just slammed my lips on her that she would shut up.

She fought against it until I pressed my lips more at her, what made her lose her stubbornness and kiss me back.

I could feel that her legs became weak that I demanded her to jump what she also did.

I was nipping at her lips until I could feel that she needed to breath and let go off her.

I was still holding her by her butt and waited until she will open her big brown chocolate eyes.

She did know and I could see the confusing,love and sadness in her eyes.

I really wanted to runaway with her and build my own little family, but I knew she was against it so that I needed another plan.

"Sana Chan" I spoke first

"I know that you are really against everything what happens right now,but I can tell you that I always be at your side"

"I'm trying really hard to do what you told me about an hour ago but I just can't I can't leave you're alone & I won't leave you're alone."

"I'm promising you that everything what happen right now is going to be done by soon."

"And I'm promising that you won't cry by now and that you can wait for me."

"It's going to end soon so just tell me that our love isn't over that I can know that you are going to wait for me."

She just looked at me and sighed.

The next thing what she did surprised me, she kissed me.

"Is it that what you need? My love?"
She asked.

"Yes it's the only thing I need on this cruel world." I replied

"Okay then I'm waiting nakomoto San."

"I felt I smile curling up my lips."

"Thank you babe I'm not going to fail u."

2 days later.

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