Chapter fourteen

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Yuta's Pov.


"what just happened, and how did she find out?"
I thought throwing my things.

Really I don't care anymore I didn't wanted lose sana again and I didn't wanted to marry hye-rin.

"Father we need to talk!"
I stormed at my fathers office.

"Talk about what?" he said just focusing on he's paper work.

"You know why I'm here and I'm not going to leave until you are going to break up the marriage."

"Break up? Marriage?"

"Yuta you can beg and tell me to umbind the marriage but I wouldn't"
he said not even looking once at me.

"And what if I would say no?"

"No?" he said looking up to me now.

"Yes, what if I would stand beside her on the altar and would say no."

"Yuta you—

"No father I don't care anymore I already lost everything and I'm not going to do it a second time you can threat me and insult me how much you want. But you know what I don't fucking care anymore."

"I tried multiple times to talk with you but you just ignored my feelings and now I'm going to do the same."

"Im not going to risk my life anymore and I don't want to live like this anymore I just can't".

"Nakomoto Yuta!"

Before I could storm out two men hold me.

"Let me go" I shouted at them and tried to lose myself.

"I knew you was going to run away Yuta" my father said now throwing sana's picture.

"But I won't let you, bring him to he's room and make sure that he can't escape."

"Yes sir" the two dogs of my father said.

Was he serious right know? locking me in my room.

I was never going to let him I tried to pull myself out of there grips but nothing helped.

they dragged me in my room and I could hear lock sounds from the outside.

I was pissed and needed to escape I needed to find a way no matter how and when. He wasn't going to have me here like an prisoner.

Hitting and kicking trying to open the door nothing helped until I starred at my window.

I looked outside of it and in my thoughts it wasn't high like it actually was. I was still injured from the accident so I really don't think that i can jump & just gave in

I just needed to wait I mean he can't forever lock me in in here.


Sanas Pov.

"Air"  I shouted when I leaved my hotel room, I where a whole day in there without light nor food.

I needed something and what food was the best choice as Irene's restaurant.

I know it isn't the best idea to go there but I was craving all days for her fresh self made food.

And it was also the best for pain.

One my way someone stopped me by shouting my name.

Shit I forgot I wasn't on vacation but on a business trip.

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