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"Josh, you know you can tell me anything," Wonwoo said that made Joshua snapped out of his thoughts. It's lunch time and the two were a few tables away from the others. Mainly because Wonwoo sensed something wrong with Joshua and wanted to ask him about it.

"W-what should I tell you then?" Joshua asked even though he knows what the other was talking about.

"I know that you know what I'm talking about," Wonwoo replied. "You've been acting really strange. I can help you if you want."

"Well," Joshua started. "Promise you won't tell it to the others."

"I'm not Seungkwan."

"Yeah yeah whatever," He said. "I may or may not be crushing on Jeonghan."

"You wha-"

"You heard me right."

"But you know that he has a huge crush on Cheol," Wonwoo stated. Joshua sighed, not having the appetite to eat anymore.

"You called?" The two of them were startled when they heard a  voice. 

"Jisoo!" Another voice said. They saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan coming to their table.

"Why aren't you guys with us over there?" Seungcheol asked as he gestured their table. 

"W-well because-"

"Because you guys are noisy and we want peace," Joshua was mentally thanking Wonwoo for coming up with an excuse. Wasn't really called an excuse because they did want peace for today.

"Jisoo, can I talk to you?"

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