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my alarm goes off signaling it was time for school. i didn't want to go at all. i wanted to wall away in my room and die slowly.
my first period class was boring as fuck again. skater boy arrived later than the rest, looking like all emotion had been drained from his face.

the teacher sighs and pulls out a slip of neon pink paper, and begins scribbling on it. "you. detention. tonight." she hands the paper to him and he rolls his eyes.


finn slides down to his spot at the end of the table.
"why the fuck are you sitting here again?" mara asks.
"no where else to sit. does it reeeally matter?" finn snaps back.
"table's full. get lost." mara hisses.
he rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything.

anger fills her face as she digs her hands into her lunch tray. ashley tries to gently calm her down but it was too late. mara gets up and slaps finn on the cheek.

"not so tough after all, huh?" she smiles.

"what the fuck was that for?" he yells back, hand on his cheek. he gets ready to swing back at her when one of the lunch monitors breaks them up. "wolfhard. brigston. office. NOW."

he scoffs and picks up his tray. she rolls her eyes, and the rest of us watch as the two disappear out of the room.

i turn to brian and ashley.


"dude's a dick." brian says angrily.

"what? mara's the one who came after him?" i say, a little too defensively.

"y/n is right. it's not really his fault." ashley says, backing me up. (thank god for ashley!)

"regardless. he's still a dick."

"maybe there's a reason why."


was it really bullshit?

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