part eight

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time skip !!

Finn's POV

we were on the bus it bus hadn't left yet - it was going to in a few minutes. it was supposed to arrive in nyc at 10 am. so, we had seven hours of being on a long bus ride.


i look over at y/n. she didn't look the slightest bit scared. she was shoving [candy of choice] down her throat, and listening to hamilton.

"hey, are you, like at all phased?" i ask her, nervously.

she shrugs. despite it being an ungodly hour, she looked beautiful. she was wearing a black hoodie pulled up, and she had on a small amount of eyeliner and bright red lips.
she really was stunning.


i wanted to sleep. i wanted nothing but to sleep. it was like 3 am & i was suck on a bus with a practical stranger. i mean he was nice - and caring - and reallyfuckingcute - but i just wanted to sleep.

i felt my eyelids drifting open and closed.

"it's okay. you can sleep if you want. i have Netflix." he laughs.

too tired to reply with actual words, I nod, yawn, and tuck my head against finn's shoulder.

"night." he whispers, and that's the last thing that i hear before i drift into a deep sleep.

i wake up. suddenly, i was at home.

i was laying in my bed, with puppies painted on the pink silk covers. the walls were a shade of pastel pink and my room was decorated with posters of dogs, cats and celebrity posters.

my dollhouse sat across the room with my baby sister's empty crib next to it.  i walk out of bed, and into the kitchen, with my mom feeding my baby sister.

my older brother and sister were there too, my sister on her phone on the couch and
my brother listening to music.

"can't sleep?" mom asks.

i rub my eyes and nod. "daddy will be home soon. you can join your siblings with some milk - and when he comes home, he can read
you a bedtime story."

my face lights up at the thought of that, and i
go get a glass of milk and join my sister on
the couch.

my baby sister was in  bed, and my other two
siblings and my mom and i were in the living
room - way past the  time daddy should be

everything was going fine - until there was
a knock on the front door.

a knock that made my mom burst into
tears. my brother held me back as my sister went to go see what's wrong.

my sister started bawling.

all i was told that night  - and up until i was 13
was that dad is going on a vacation.

my mom bought a box of boxed wine the
next day. she finished it in  the same day.

after that she turned to drugs.
and cigarettes.

she abused me and  my brother which
drove him to jump  off a bridge.

my sister left  knowing it wasn't safe, leaving me alone with my mom and baby sister. my dad wasn't coming back from his "vacation".

when i was eleven, two years after that
night, my mom met this guy he seemed nice, or at least he was to her.

when i was 13 she decided to marry
this man.

i asked him why he was marrying my mom when my dad was only on a vacation.

he leaned down next to me and whispered in my ears "your dad isn't on a vacation,
your dad is dead."

till then i have been fucking terrifed of that man. his good tooth. his septum pericing. his shiny blue eyes...

my eyes shot open. i was so ready to leave
this toxic family. my dead dad and brother -
my abusive mother my asshole stepfather
my flakey older sister.

"you sure you want to do this?" Finn asks, noticing that i am awake.

"yeah, i'm just kinda reliving my entire past. but fuck it, let's do it.." i respond.

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