part nineteen

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"but you were there, the night he was murdered?" jenny asks, swishing around
the drink in her cup before taking a big sip.

i nod, slowly. i remembered that night, almost three years ago. this saturday would mark
three years. "yeah. i- i was right there."

"what happened? if you're, you know, okay with sharing and all."

i let out a huge breath. "well, uh. it was pretty crazy. i mean - it all happened so fast. it was

pretty fucking insane, actually, he basically trusted people he shouldn't have."

"oh." jenny nods slowly.

"shitty answer, i'm sorry."

"no - that's fine. it was a weird question anyways."

i nod, and shove my face in to my pillow.

saturday afternoon.

i run my hands through my hair. "i'll see you soon mom. love you too. bye."

jenny gives me a tight hug. "we'll miss you!"

i laugh, and slowly shrug her off of me. "i'll be back in three days. plus - spring break doesn't end for another week so we'll still still have some time together."

jenny laughs and says her final goodbyes, and i walk out to my car to begin the three hour

on the drive home

the ride had gone faster than i thought, and before i knew it i was in my hometown again.

it had been so long since i was here.

I passed by the old school
The old skate park -
his old house, , well, everything had started. the old grocery store where we'd bought snacks to take on our trip. and lastly, the old church. the one where his funeral was held.

i take out my phone and check the time. 8:45. my mom wasn't expecting me to come back until 9 - so i had some time. i pull over, and turn off the radio.

i slowly step out of my car and lock it. I let out a huge breath, and make my way to the back of the church, where the cemetary was.

it had a sense of peacefulness - and serenity. it was nice. his grave was near the front, so it wasnt too long of a walk. i was the only one there.

i found finn's grave and a wave of sadness hit me. i slumped down next to it and stared into the sky where the sun was setting. "this all happened so fast." i sigh. "i mean - when it happened three years ago, it happened fast. those few weeks i spent with you were some of the best few weeks of my life. you were such an amazing person. you had all the wrong things happen to you for the stupidest reasons. if only you got the chance to prove what good you could do - and how talented you were... i just wish it wasn't too late for me to tell you how i feel. wasn't too late to - change all that."

a small shillouette appeared in the distance, too far away for me to see any distinctive features. the figure started running towards me, getting closer and closer. i quickly stood up, ready to bolt away, when the figure let out a small voice. "wait."

i recognized that voice.


and as he got closer and closer to me, i saw it really was him, just - older.

"finn! oh my god!"

"you've aged well."

"thanks - you too? you don't look half as dead as you should." he laughs, and pulls me in a tight hug, and i pull away after a few seconds.

"wait. how is this ... possible?"

he scratches his head. "wanna come over to my place? i - i can explain everything." i bite my lip. should i?


part 20? ew this is so bad

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