part four

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finn's POV

"why the fuck can't you? someone has to take care of the house?"

"maybe you should? because you're the fucking parent of the household?" i yell back.

"i'm the one who makes the goddamn money. now answer me. where the hell will you be tomorrow after noon?"

i look down at my feet. "i have after school detention."

"again? you had it TODAY?" he yells back.

"listen, today was one thing but at lunch there was this girl and outta nowhere she jus-..."

"you know what? i don't even give a shit. just go away. leave this house for a while. don't come back anytime soon. i've had enough of this fucking failure of a son."

i gulp. i don't know what to say. i'm scared to do anything else. i don't want the tears to come out.

i go to the only place where i feel safe. the skatepark.

i skate around for an hour or so, focusing on moving around on the board. it really helped drain out everything going on for a few minutes. this was my escape. thank god it wasn't drugs.

ever since my mom died, my brother turned into a mini version of my dad. he's done so much to himself drug wise that he's a completely different person. & even though he's an ass some- er, most of the time, he's the only thing keeping my dad from physically killing me or me killing myself.

i stop after a while and notice y/n and her clique sitting at a picnic table by the snack stand. something compelled me to them & wanted to talk to them, have friends for ONCE, but i couldn't bring myself to do it. i got off my skateboard and went to get a water.

i get in line, and hear them talking without meaning to. brian, mara and ashley were leaving, and it was just y/n left.

i got my drink, and go to sit down.

"talk to me." she says.

i give her a confused look.

"your eyes are puffy. you've been crying."

i slide down across from her and set down my water bottle. "where should i start?"

"the beginning. tell me everything." she replies.

"my dad. he's been an ass to me my whole life. i tend to pick up on the shit he says and does - even though i try my best not to. it doesn't help that i have a brother who acts just like him." i fold my arms nervously.

"it's okay.. keep going. i'm listening."

"...and nobody ever believes me when i tell my story. my dad is fucking insane. he terrifies the living hell out of me. i've never had anyone to turn to. my brother is always out smoking pot with his friends or graffitiing up the sides of the school. when i was five - my dad got drunk and killed my mother. see this scar?" i showed her the scar on my arm they'd seen earlier. "i'm left alone with this monster and i pick up on the shit he says and does. so i know i'm a douchebag. and i'm sorry for all i've hurt you. or anyone. i'm sorry i'm such an asshole. i've just never felt like i matter to anyone."

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