part fourteen

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I run out the door, and feel one of my heels collapsing under me, goddamnit.
i throw off the heel and keep running, unaware if they were still chasing me.

I slip on a wet rock, and a tree beach catches my shirt, causing it to get
a big tear in the back.
I keep running until i spot the car. I slide down in, and close the door and lock it. I look back to the house and and cry.
I wanted to go home.
I didn't know shit about driving a car. my mom never wanted to teach me - and my step dad and was almost never home. i tried to get the car started, but couldn't get anything to work.
i let out a small groan, and tilt my head back. i couldn't stay here, even if i somehow could i didn't want to.

i place my hand on my cheek where finn hit me last night.
it still stung, a lot.
i turned on the light in the car and adjusted the driver's mirror and looked at the bruise. it was purple and blistery.
suddenly, i remember something.
I pull out my phone, and open the "phone" app.

i only had two contacts on there, Finn and Sadie.
I sigh, click Sadie❤️.
"Ohmigod that's terrible!vYou can come stay at my place! My older brother is home but he's asleep!"

I smile. Thank God for Sadie.
"Are you sure? I mean i could -..."

"Yes. i'm sure. where are you? i'll come pick you up!"
Sadie and i were standing outside her apartment room.
"Sorry for the long drive." She says, sighing.
"It's fine."
Sadie opens her door, and we walk into a fancy apartment that starts with a kicthen, then extends into a living room, and tv room. there was a glass spiral staircase going upstairs.

she walks me to a bathroom.

"here, you can take a shower. i'll put some clean clothes outside the door for you.
I look in the full size mirror in the bathroom. muddy shorts. a ripped shirt. only one high heel.

"thank you."

Sadie nods, and leaves the room.

I turn on the hot water, climb in, and feel a lot more relieved as soon as the hot water springs off my back. i massage some of the shampoo into my dirty hair, and rinse it out.
i swear, if it wasn't for sadie, i don't know what i would have done.
after i was done showering, i changed into the clothing sadie had let me borrow, some black leggings, an oversized black and white striped sweater, and some fuzzy socks.

i change into the clothing, and walk downstairs into the tv room, where sadie had set up a whole table
full of junk food. "holy shit."

sadie laughs, and i sit next to her on the couch. "want to watch some netflix?" she asks, and i nod.
"ooh, let's watch the 2017 remake of IT!"
Sadie started to play the movie, and not long into it  i felt my eyes grow heavy. i needed to sleep.
"it's okay, you can sleep if you want."
i smile. "thank you."
Sadie poured us each a glass of lemonade, and sat down next to her plate of cookies.
"So, do you want to go to the mall today?" She asks.
"Sure. But i don't have any money." I laugh.
Sadie smiles. "The best thing about being sixteen and having rich parents is having your own credit card." she pulls a credit card out of her pocket.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask, abruptly.

"You're the only real friend i've had in a while."

"What about Josh? and everyone else?"

"Can i trust you not to tell anyone?"

I nod.

Sadie lets out a deep breath. "They're literally insane. i'm only playing the role of being their friend."


"Because if i don't, they'll kill me."

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