part eighteen

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i look at my reflection in the mirror.
depressed. even the makeup my
younger sister had done didn't hide
the fact that i looked - and was -

my eyes were puffy and red from
crying out my eyes, many, many
times. my foundation caked cheeks were covering the bruises from the attack.

but most importantly, i wasn't
happy. the only person who truly
understood me was gone and i couldn't do anything about it.

"y/n! come on!" my mom calls for me.

"coming!" i yell back.
i walk over to my dresser, and pick up the small wooden box. i slowly open it up, and pull out the necklace inside of it. i place it around my neck, and glance in the mirror one more time, before running downstairs to join my parents.
once we got settled in the car, i placed in my earbuds to drown everything out,
thinking about how crazy the last few months of my life had been.

i fell in love.
i helped somebody.
i ran away.

there weren't many people at the ceremony. there were my friends,
but not brian.

there was finn's brother, and even his dad, who was crying.

there were a few people from school, and some older people who i assumed were finn's relatives.
the funeral was a small, quiet ceremony
and ended very shortly. there was a small reception afterwards, and most of the people had filed out.

"i'm gonna go say one last goodbye to finn." i say to my mom, who nodded in approval.

i walked back into the room where finn's casket was.
"hey. i know you can't see or hear me, but i miss and love you." i say to the casket, probably sounding crazy.

when i hear a familiar voice say
"i love you too."

i turn around and see finn.
i didn't know what to do.

so i ran up to him, and hugged
him. or - i tried to.

my arms went through air - like nothing was there. but he was there. clear as day.

"why- can't i hug you?" i ask, between almost sobs.

"because. i'm not real." finn says.

"what?" i ask, with a quivering voice.

but before i knew it, he was gone.

he had been gone.

i stare into the empty room.
he wasn't there.

he really was gone.

[the end!]
because i cannot keep a story
for shit. sorry to disappoint,
hope this last chapter was good!

thank u all for all your support through this story, i love you all so much. if you want to keep in contact w me, check out my other books !

also. i know this was a shitty ending lmao i'm so sorry i tried to find and ending for weeks oof

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