part 20 ; finale

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a/n: yikes over 1.6k words

general pov.

"this doesn't make any sense. how are you... alive?"

finn smiles and places a small cup of coffee on the table next to y/n and sit's across from her.

"you look nice." he replies. 

y/n giggles, as she pushes a piece of hair back behind her ear.

 "i mean really. you were beautiful when we escaped to new york. but now. now you're absolutely stunning."

a big smile spreads across y/n's face. she was going to say something back, but her expression quickly turned sour. "why aren't you answering me?" 

finn's smile doesn't fade. "i've been kicking myself for never telling you this, but i love you. y/n l/n, i am in love with you." 

y/n doesn't smile. "why can't you answer me?"

finn frowns. "you don't feel the same way?"

y/n rolls her eyes. she stands up from her seat and slams her hands against the table. "why can't you answer me?" 

ashley sighs, looking over at her friend y/n.

she really should have gotten help the night he passed away.

y/n doesn't seem to notice ashley as she takes a seat at the other end of the table.  y/n was still talking to the empty space across from her.

ashley put her elbows on the table and ran her hands through her hair. 

"y/n." she says softly.

y/n didn't respond.

"y/n" ashley says a little louder, this time getting her attention.

y/n looks over at ashley,and blinks a few times. "ohh my god."  

she puts her hand against her forehead, and stumbles as she stats to loose her balance. ashley rushes over to her and places her hands on y/n's to help guide her.

y/n slides down against the wall and ashley next to her

"hey, it's okay, you're gonna be okay."

"what's going on?" y/n asks.

ashley sighs as she'd have to explain the same thing that she had to every time. "you.. you're still imagining finn is alive. you do it quite often, too. you swap between different realities. one, real life. the other one... well, i can't really describe it. you always talk to somebody that isn't there. that somebody being finn. something about your neurological balance being off after the night he died. i tried to get you help, multiple times, but i guess not hard enough. the first you made me stop my car because there was a man in front of my car. except there wasn't a man. but you kept screaming so i stopped. then you ran out of my car, talked to an empty space for a while, and then ran away so fast i couldn't keep up, even with my car. three hours later, i found you quivering and scared at your mom's old house. the other two times, you escaped the mental hospital, i don't know why. i haven't tried to get you help in a while. i don't know what's going on."

"o...oh." y/n didn't know what else to say.  

"i'm sorry." ashley replies.

"that i couldn't help you more. i'll try my best, i swear. but every time you go into your delusional phase you forget everything about what i told you." she replies.

"how long has this been going on?"y/n asks.

"well, ever since the cops came to your apartment. finn was still, well, dead. you were knocked out into a coma and the two weeks had passed, and you guys were supposed to have checked out already. the lady working  there went to knock on your door, and nobody responded. that's when she called the cops, since that's apparently what she was supposed to do, so when they got there, they, well, found you."

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