part seventeen

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i layed down on my bed,
staring at the ceiling.

after what i'd seen, i should
be feeling every emotion.

but now- i just feel none.
i felt completely empty inside.

my mom tried to take me to a therapist,
but it didn't work.

i'd shut everyone out after what i'd seen.

"finn. it's okay. he doesn't know you're here." i say, tucking him into his bed.

"but he does."

"please just get some sleep.
i promise we can and will
work this out in the morning."

finn eventually nods and gives in.
after a while, i hear a loud BANG
awaking me from my sleep.

my eyes shot open, and i saw finn lifeless on the bed that was next to mine.

j saw josh there, with a gun in his hands.

i sat, petrified as josh positioned it to look like a suicide.

as he claimed to have been partying there the whole night.

as if we all saw finn commit suicide in
front of us.

as he told me he'd kill me if i told the police the truth.

so that's why i saw the case
get ruled as a suicide.

and didn't -
couldn't stop it.

i leap out of bed, and open my door to my sister. "i have something for you!"

she hands me something small.

a small wooden box. i smiled, thanked my sister, and plopped back down onto my bed.

i slowly examined the outsides of the box, expecting it to be another sympathy gift. i opened it up, and was shocked to see the beautiful silver necklace with a ruby in the center.
i smiled at the necklace, and placed it on my dresser drawer.

i learned that it was a gift from nick, found in finn's stuff after he had passed.

finn had planned on giving it to a
girl who was worth it. who had
changed his life for the better.

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