part twelve

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Finn squeals and rocks back and forth on his feet.

I look up from my phone and laugh. "its only a party."

"I know, i just- i'm excited to meet these new people! people in NYC seem so cool. Everyone back home hates me."

I nod. "Yeah, I agree i guess."

"And Iris is going to be there. I'm so excited to see her." Finn smiles as he jumps onto his bed, his lyric notebook wrapped around his arms.

I force a smile on my face. "Yeah. She'll like the song you wrote for her.

"You think?" Finn looks over at my bed.

I smile and nod. "Yeah. for sure." 

Finn smiles. "Thank you."

I nod. 

I love you, please, love me and not her...

"Okay, well, i saw a [your favorite clothing store]. i wanted to get a dress from there. I should go there and get one before the party."

"Okay. just be back here before seven, since the party starts at eight."

"Finn, it's only nine in the morning. that's ten hours away. of course i'll be back by then."

Finn laughs. "In that case, can you bring home some sushi, if you come homefor lunch?"

I sigh, and laugh. "Sure. Why Not?"

I slip on a sweatshirt and walk out of the hotel room.


I couldn't find the store i was looking for, so i looked around at various stores, and bought a bunch of clothing that i liked.

When i was done, i remember that Finn wanted some sushi. I stopped at an asian market and bought some sprites and sushi.


I head back to the hotel, and when i swing open the door, finn wasn't there. I saw a note sitting on the bedside table. 

Hey, going out for lunch.

 I'll be back in time for dinner :) - Finn

I sigh, and stick the sushi in the fridge. Why was I upset?

You know what?

Fuck it. 

I took my sushi and sprite out of the fridge.

I was hungry, and i wasn't waiting for Finn. 


A general POV??

Mrs. L/N takes a small sip of her wine glass. 

"Y/N will probably be home soon." Her husband smiled, and placed a reassuring hand on her back. 

"She better be." Mrs L/N says, and purses her lips.


"Why isn't she back in school yet?" Ashley asks.

Mara shrugs. "Who cares?"

"Hey, wait a second, have you seen finn lately?"

"No, i don't think i have." 

"That's odd."

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Brian returns to the group, with a tray and a  full lunch.

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