Chapter 7 - Jamie

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I'm suddenly seeing her everywhere. I've gone nearly an entire school year without bumping into Lynn at all, and now, I can't stop. I see her at lunch, in the gym, in the library, in the halls. It's as if my mind is subconsciously searching for her and I can't fathom why.

I'll find myself catching her gaze, and watching in fascination as her lips tilt up into an almost bashful smile. Then she'll tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, drop her head—that secret smile still gracing her face—and continue on her way. She's never made an effort to approach me in public. She seems to understand that our friendship is still fragile. When people start seeing us together, they'll assume we've mended our damages and I'm not ready to let the world think we're all peachy.

It's Thursday afternoon when I spot her for the hundredth time this week. I'm walking to my motorcycle and I can see her in the distance. Her backpack is dangling from her shoulders as she cradles a textbook in her arms. She stops in front of a baby blue Honda Civic and throws her bag into the passenger seat before climbing in behind the wheel.

She leans her head back against the headrest for a moment, and though I can't tell from where I'm standing, I sense that she's closing her eyes. Exhaustion seems obvious in the slight slump of her shoulders and the way she doesn't seem in a hurry to start the engine.

"What ya doing?" a voice asks me seconds before a lanky arm is slung over my shoulders. I jump in surprise, smacking the arm off of me and swiveling around to face Drew.

"Leaving," I tell him, my tone bored so as to hide the unsettled worry in my voice at being caught gazing after someone I have no care for. I'd hate for him to get any ideas and start spreading rumors amongst our friends. "You?"

"The rest of us are feeling ice cream again."

I groan aloud. I'm not against the creamy dessert, but I'd prefer to limit the amount of time I spend with Lynn. If I keep showing up at her workplace, she might start forming strange ideas about my intentions towards her. Which, let's clarify... I have none.

"I'll pass," I say, grabbing my helmet and shoving it on my head before lifting up the visor.

"Your loss, man," Drew says with a shrug, turning with a wave as he saunters across the parking lot to his truck. Clarice, Dillon, and Penny are already there waiting for him, but when Drew shakes his head at their inquisitive gazes, Dillon throws his hands up at me in question.

I simply shrug, which he refuses to accept. I watch him jump from the running board of the vehicle and jog towards me.

"Dude," he says, "you're not coming?"

"No thanks."

"Is this because of Lynn?"

I hate that he can read me so well. Sometimes I wish I'd never told him mine and Lynn's history, but there's no going back now.

Again, I shrug. "Yeah. We've been talking lately, but I'd prefer to keep our chats limited, you know? I'm just not all that keen on starting where we left off."

"Okay," Dillon responds, nodding in understanding, though I'm not sure if he actually gets me or not. "So, you just going home?"

"Naw," I say. "I thought I might take the bike out to the dunes."

Dillon's eyes sparkle for a moment, his face lighting up with excitement.

"Care for some company?"

"Sure," I tell him, a smile lifting my entire spirit, though I'm unsure as to why I've been feeling heavy the last few days. I sort of wonder if it has something to do with Lynn awakening a pit of feelings I'd been avoiding. "I'm just gonna head home and pick up my gear. I could meet you there in about an hour."

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