Sierra and Tyler Wilson

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            This is the night. This is the night I finally get to see one of my favorite bands in concert. “Hollywood Ending, here I come” I cried as I ran inside my house as I got of the school bus. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I have been waiting for this day for so long and now it’s finally here! “Mom, what time are we leaving?” I yelled down the stairs. “About 5 o’clock” My mother yelled back. It was the last day of school so I had no homework but I unpacked my school supplies and everything and shoved them in my closet. I changed into my skinny jeans and my homemade ‘I <3 Hollywood Ending’ tee shirt. I put on my black converse and grabbed my red and black plaid jacket. “Mom, can we go now?” I asked walking down the stairs.

            “We still have to pick up Alicia and get there” “Honey, it’s only 4:20” My mom said. “SO?! This is important to me mom!” I cried. “Fine, let’s go” My mom said grabbing her car keys. I ran outside and jumped in the car. We drove to Alicia’s house and picked her up. Alicia ran out of her house and hopped in the car. “Thanks for taking us!” Alicia cried happily. “No problem” My mom said. “Mom, since it’s only 4:30, can we get something to eat?” I asked. “Sure, why not” My mom said. She drove to McDonalds and we went through the drive-thru and then we went on to the venue.

            Alicia and I got out and stood in line. We were the second ones there. “We get to go inside in 20 minutes” Alicia said happily. We talked about what we planned to say to the guys whenever we met them and everything else anywhere along those lines and finally we were able to go inside! Alicia and I ran up to the front and stood right in front of the stage. We were so close that if any of them were to sweat, it might land on us. But that’s kinda nasty so I really hope that doesn’t happen…

            When Hollywood Ending finally came onstage we erupted in hoots, holler, cheer, screams, claps and just about every other noise a teenage girl can make when she’s excited to see her favorite band. The first song was Tonight, Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae and then they moved on to their What Makes You Beautiful cover. “Hope everyone’s having a great time tonight!” Cameron yelled. “You guys are awesome!” Tyler added. Everyone screamed. “We’re gonna sing Glad You Came now” Cameron said. Everybody screamed again. During this song Cameron and Tyler moved around a bit more. They ran across everyone and hit their hands. Tyler hit mine and I almost flipped out!

            “You guys are awesome!” Cameron cried. “You guys have got me!” Tyler said. He laughed nervously. “See what I did there” I rolled my eyes but laughed a bit. “They really do say awesome a lot…” Alicia said. “Huh?” I asked. “That one interview, they said they say awesome a lot” Alicia said. “Oh!” I said realizing what she was talking about. The music started again and they started to sing You Got Me. During the song Tyler locked eyes with me and smiled. He wouldn’t look away the rest of the song. I turned to Alicia and screamed. “Tyler just” I stopped. I couldn’t say anything more than that. “I know!” Alicia cried. “I saw! You’re so lucky!” I smiled. I guess I am lucky that Tyler locked eyes with me!

            After the show I was standing there talking to Alicia when all of a sudden her mouth dropped open. She pointed behind me and I turned around and screamed. Tyler Wilson was actually standing right in front of me. “Can I sign your shirt?” Tyler asked. “Uh yeah sure” I said. He pulled his sharpie out of his pocket and I turned around. Alicia and I exchanged looks. Tyler took a picture with both of us and started to walk away and then came back. “Hey, do you maybe just kinda wanna go do something with me tomorrow?” Tyler asked nervously. I was shocked. I couldn’t say anything. “She’d love to” Alicia said. “Here’s her number, so call her. Not maybe, definitely” Tyler laughed. “Will do” He said. He winked at me and walked away.

            I turned to Alicia and we screamed. Tyler walked back over and we stopped. “You know, I just realized something” He said. “And that is?” I asked. “I didn’t catch your name” Tyler said. I laughed. “I’m Sierra” I said smiling. “That’s a nice name” Tyler said. He smiled. “Well, as you know, I’m Tyler, and well… I guess I’ll call you tomorrow” He smiled and gave me another hug and then walked away to meet a few other people. Alicia and I screamed again.

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