Brooke and Braiden Wood

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            First day of school, it’s senior year too… the biggest, most important year of anyone’s life. “Brooke!” My friend Monica yelled as she ran down the hallway towards me. “Brooke!” Monica yelled again. “Monica!” I cried. Monica ran up to me and gave me a hug. “I’ve missed you! How was your summer?” Monica asked. “Pretty good” I told her. “Spent most of it at home… How was yours?” “Amazing” Monica said. “Italy is amazing and so beautiful” “Cool, I’m so glad you got to go” I said smiling. “Oo! Do you have your schedule?” Monica asked. I nodded and handed her the piece of paper that had all of my classes listen on it. “Yes! We have three classes together” Monica said. “Calculus, English, and Chemistry” “Cool” I said taking my History book out of my locker.

            “Well, I’ve gotta get to Spanish” Monica said. “I’ll see you around” “Alright” I said. I hugged my friend a second time and then she ran off in the direction of her Spanish Four classroom. I grabbed my books for History and shut my lockers. I had three books for it plus my binder for the class and two notebooks and my pencil case. I turned abruptly and ran into someone and we both dropped everything we were holding. “This is just what I need” I mumbled. I bent down to pick up my things and the person bent down as well. “I’m sorry about that” The person said. I didn’t recognize the voice, only that it belonged to a male. “It’s alright” I mumbled. “I believe this is yours” He said holding out a notebook. “Thanks” I said. I stood up and started to walk away when I realized I was missing the book I was supposed to have read over the summer.

            “This is yours too” He said holding out my book. “Thanks, again” I said taking it from him. I looked up and this was the first time that I actually got a good look at him. He was tall, really tall; he had light brown hair and really pretty green eyes. "I'm sorry about that” He said again. I shrugged. “It’s alright, really” I told him. “I’m Braiden, by the way” He said holding out his hand. “Brooke” I said shaking it. “I take it you’re going to History class” Braiden said. I nodded. “Me too” Braiden said. “With Ms. Montgomery?” We asked at the same time. We started laughing. “How about we walk to class together?” Braiden asked. I smiled. “I’d like that” I said. The two of us started walking to History class and I couldn’t help but smile the whole way there. Braiden is exactly the kind of guy I had always looked for. This is going to be a good year.

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