
104 15 29

June 11, 2015
The corner of 5th and main
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Blinding sunlight reflected off the vehicles that zipped by. Neil shielded his eyes to see the screen of his cellphone better. Standing inches from the curb in his navy blue suit, a crisp white shirt under his coat and the collar was undone with his tie pulled down from the strangling knot his wife had tied.

"This is crazy, how am I supposed to close this deal if I can't even see what I'm writing up?" He complained loud enough to attract the attention of others along the street.

Veronica looped her arms onto his and covered her face in embarrassment. "Is it necessary that you shout about this while we are in public?" she asked, removing her hand, she stared into his face until he finally looked into her eyes. "Put your phone away. It will still be there when we get home."

Neil took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, Vee. I'm sorry. I've already missed out on most of today." He turned the screen off and went to put it in his pocket. The smooth, case-less object slipped out of his hand and into the busy street.

Veronica watched as Neil tried to find a break in the line of speeding cars. "Please be careful. It's not that important." Veronica chewed her fingernails and watched Neil lean nearer to traffic. "Come on. You're going to get yourself killed." When he would not listen to her, she surveyed the long line of vehicles to pass, that's when she saw it.

She reached her arms forward and grabbed hold of Neil's suit jacket. The city bus swooshed past. Neil and Veronica fell back from the gust. There was a snap and crunch as the wheels demolished the phone.

They stayed on the ground for a few minutes. "Thank you." Neil put his hand on her knee. "You save me every time."

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