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November 1999
Ski resort

"Dad—,," she stopped to let him speak, "I just—," Veronica rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever. I'll stop calling, but you have to tell me when I'm coming home at some point." She slammed the phone down on the base and rolled over in the bed.

Her father sent her to a ski resort alone. She didn't want to learn how to ski. This was the trip from hell in her eyes. She had to leave her friends while they stayed home as healthy children did at seven years old.

To make the best of the situation, she pretended the resort was her new house. In this home, she didn't have to dodge angry grownups or stay in her room for hours, so her father and his lady friends could argue.

This place would be heaven if only she had someone to talk to. The staff were cordial and stayed with her for the maximum time allowed before they had to return to their duties. She felt like a bother, so she tried to keep her interaction's brief and to the point.

She didn't want to be there, but she wouldn't make everyone's life harder just because she was unhappy. Her father was rich, and she was very spoiled, but she was not a brat.

She rolled onto her side on the silky bedding and fell asleep.


The sunlight peeked through a slit where the curtains didn't meet. Veronica rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She got changed and went down to the main floor to get toast for breakfast.

A wave of relaxation washed over her. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was watching her body walk back where she had just come from. She went up the stairs and stood upon the landing. There was a yelp at the top of the stairs, and a young man came hurdling at her body.

"I'm so sorry. I tripped and—,," he stared at her eyes.

"It's nothing. Just what I was sent to do." Veronica heard every word, but she hadn't said anything. She felt a whirlwind building inside of her, and that's when she returned to her body.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. My name is Veronica, what's yours?"

"Neil Morrison. I wish we could chat more, but I have to meet up with my parents. Maybe I'll see you out there."

She shook her head, "Maybe another time."

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