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His eyes stayed open, but his mind shut down. He was awake and asleep at the same time. Reality no longer existed in his mind. The things he saw when he was knocked out, no one would ever believe him.


April 15th, 1894

Jed felt air rushing around his body. He could see the leaves and twigs hanging out of the makeshift eavestroughs of the barn. The last thing he would know before he died was a mocking reminder of the chores he had procrastinated. A snicker escaped his lungs.

He felt a crushing weight press down on his body. There was an indescribable pain and a crunch. His consciousness left his body and exploded into a funnel of darkness.

"Is this funny to you?" An unrecognizable voice boomed through the darkness. "You're dead. You know that, don't you?"

A tiny spec appeared in the distance, about the size of his fist. Jed couldn't look around, and as much as he wanted to cry like a child, he wasn't able to. The spec grew to the size of a watermelon or was he getting closer. He had no abilities; all he could do was watch the white hole approach. The spot appeared to be advancing at a faster pace, was now the size of a house. Jed wished he would wake up, and this would all be a dream. The white space before him grew to the size of a city and stopped moving. A crack in the middle opened horizontally and swallowed Jed up whole.

He was thrown into an even blacker pit and left to free fall. Jed could feel a burning sensation but was unable to see his body or move at all. His words were trapped inside of him with no way to escape.

He fell for what felt like hours. He couldn't see anything in the black space or tell where he was going, but the same feeling of air surrounding his body took over. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was falling again.

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