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April 15, 1894

She watched from within a skull on the arm of The Reapers chair as a soul flattens to the ground. This happened a lot, but from the whispers between The Reapers, she knew this soul would be different than the rest.

"My name is Reaper 272. You are..." there was a moment of quiet before he continued, "Jed Morrison."

"Oh yes, give his body back, Angelle."

She did as she was commanded. She floated from her resting place and pulled out the last body that had appeared in the shadows. She used her powers to lift it like she had hands and threw it in the direction of the newly arrived soul.

"What is that putrid smell?" He looked himself over, "What's going on? Where am I?"

They always had the same questions. Usually, The Reapers would shut them down and send them off to their eternal afterlife of suffering, but not today.

Reaper 272 cackled, "That horrific scent is you. It's been years since you died. Your body has started to break down," he ran his cold bone fingers over her form as she returned to his chair.

"On earth, it's only been a few hours since you tripped and fell to your unconscious state. Time moves faster in The Reapers kingdom."

"What's happening to me?"

"Ever heard of the plague? This is our concoction. If you are sentenced to serve The reapers, you will never do so in comfort or happiness. These living conditions guarantee that."

"So I have been sentenced to serve The Reapers?"

The Reaper tapped his bone fingers on the book before him, "It is still to be decided."

"Reaper one is a trickster, as I'm sure you are already aware. I suppose in your world, he's known as the devil. He likes to play games."

"After millenniums of resisting the temptation to taint the living world, he has chosen you. Will you take part in Reaper One's game?"

"What do I have to do to make you send me back?"

"You need to play the game, Jed."

The angels who had been sent to monitor The Reapers envied their abilities. But as a ball of light, the angels were only able to do menial tasks.

Angelle was not like the rest. She despised The Reapers and hoped to ruin their plans. She slipped out of her hiding place and held onto Jed's soul.

She needed to know what awful game Reaper One had in mind. She would be the one to put an end to his fun.

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