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March 24, 2000
The Morrison Residence
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Neil finished his chocolate bar on the couch while watching a movie in the living room of the two-story home he lived in with his parents. Norman and Mandy Morrison appeared to be the perfect example of marriage. They loved Neil and did anything to make him happy.

When the movie went to a commercial break, Neil walked to the kitchen. He opened the cupboard below the sink and tossed the wrapper into the bin.

His pant leg caught on a drawer handle, and his foot slipped on the tiled floor. His head split like a melon on the counter, and blood covered the tiles around where he landed.

His eyes stayed shut for a minute. The throbbing in his head was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"Mom!" Neil cried out.

The house was silent. He opened his eyes to a blurry ceiling. He peeled his hurting body from the floor, dragging himself to his feet using the counter for support.

He used every ounce of energy to scream, "Mom! Dad!"

His vision began to sway and blur. He pushed himself against the fridge to regain his balance.

"Help. Please," his words lost volume with each attempt to speak.

He pushed off the fridge, and everything started rotating. He felt his stomach violently twisting. Warm saliva pooled in his mouth.

He put his back against the fridge and slid to the floor. His head rested against the cold metal. He shot forward, and everything inside of him spewed across the kitchen floor. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and fought the urge to sleep. His heavy eyelids sagged. Each blink was a war between his mind and body. He knew he needed to get help. His body had other ideas.

After being sick, Neil felt relief in his stomach. He crawled on his hands and knees to the carpeted hallway. He leaned his frail form on the wall to keep from toppling over.

The bathroom was the first door on the left. He sat against the wall to catch his breath. He grabbed the door handle and turned.

It was locked.

"Mom, I know you said you were going to take a bath," he stopped to steady his focus. "Help me, please." He begged. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

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