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The humming of the jets in the bathtub was the only sound. He reached for the side of the tub and pulled himself to its side. He sat upon his knees and peaked into the bathtub.


March 25, 2000
Fairview General hospital
Fairview, Pennsylvania

"Mr. Morrison," the doctor said for the third time and then placed his hand on the man's shoulder, "I know this is a difficult time for you and your son, but we need to discuss arrangements for Mrs. Morrison."

Norman looked to the doctor, "I haven't made any arrangements."

The male doctor sat down, "I will get you phone numbers and pamphlets to look at," he stood and walked away.

Norman was alone. His muscles were nearly unresponsive. He barely moved in two days. His wife was dead. His son was in intensive care for a concussion and excessive blood loss.

"Excuse me, Mr. Morrison, my name is Geoff, and this is Mark," one of the young men started, "We are detectives with the Fairview PD. We need to ask you a few questions about your wife's death and the note she left."

Norman didn't bother to look up, "Do we need to do this now?"

The offices spoke to each other for a moment, "Yes. I apologize. I realize this is a very trying time for you. However, it's best to get the details right away, while everything is still fresh in your memory."

Norman sighed, "Fine, get it over with," he rolled his wrist.

The officers looked at each other and then back at Norm, "Would you feel more comfortable interviewing here or down at the station, Mr. Morrison?"

Norm glared in their direction, "My son is in intensive care, and he's all I have left. I would much rather do everything here."

The officers nodded, "We'll find a private room to speak in," they left Norman to his thoughts.

A few minutes later, they returned, "The room is just around the corner, if you could come with us sir," they put their hands out to help him up, but he ignored the gestures.

They sat in armchairs around an empty patient bed, "Had your wife ever shown any suicidal tendencies in the past?"

Norm shook his head, "She was always a happy woman, even after we went through multiple stillbirths and miscarriages. She was the strongest woman I've ever met."

One of the officers pulled out a baggy with the note Mandy left in it, "In the letter, she talks about looking over her shoulder, not being able to take not knowing when it could happen. Do you know what she was talking about?"

Norman hung his head, "She believed that a story my parents told her was true. When we first met, my parents told Mandy that there was a curse on my family. They told her that if she married me, she would be affected as well."

The young police officers took notes while one asked questions, "What was it that your family told her?"

Norm shrugged, "It was just an old wives' tale, a children's fable. It had been told to every generation of our family; honestly, officers it's nothing."

"We will still need to know more before we can continue our investigation."

"I don't even know why you're investigating me, how could I have killed my wife when I was at work all day? I have witnesses and proof, security camera footage that shows I was there all day. Why would I murder my wife?"

The two men said nothing. They just watched a broken man unravel.

"Do I look like the kind of man who would allow my child to bleed to death while I murdered his mother? What would I stand to gain from any of those actions?"

One of the men seated across from him spoke up, "Actually, sir; it has been confirmed that your wife passed before your son hit his head."

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