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June 18th, 2015
Fairview Police Department
Fairview, Pennsylvania

"I'm going to ask you again, Mr. Morrison, why was your blood found at the scene of Leonard Carter's staged suicide? How did you know the victim?"

Neil ran his hands through his hair and slammed his fists onto the table inside the interview room. "I met with him." He licked his lips and tried to take deep breaths, "His company works for my wife's company."

His heart bumped in his ears. How could this happen? A stinging pain lapped over his brain. When he left Leonard alone in his car, he was very much alive. His mouth dried, and he could taste blood from biting the inside of his cheeks.

"I didn't kill him."

The officer shook his head, "You were the only person there. No matter what you say, it doesn't look good."

Neil folded his arms on the table and rested his head on them. He was allowed one phone call before being placed inside a cell after being questioned.

"Veronica, I've been arrested. Leonard Carter killed himself, and because I met with him where he was found, they think I murdered him and set it up to look like a suicide. I wouldn't do that, you know me. I can't even return my food order unless it's an allergy issue. Veronica, you have to believe me. I didn't even know him. Why would I do that?"

"I'll be right there."


Veronica didn't walk into the two holding cell police station alone. Karina walked with her head held high, and her shoulders back and a bitch face that made many retail workers run for their lives.

"Excuse me," Karina barked, "I am Neil Morrison's legal representative. Unless you have proof that he killed Mr. Carter, you need to release him now."

The front-desk police officer nodded and whispered to another police officer that walked over. "It's going to be a little while longer."

Karina looked at the officer behind the desk over, like a lioness sizing up her prey. "He did not commit any crimes. You will release him now. We have his bail money, and you have no choice."

The officer collected the money that Veronica placed upon the desk, "We will see what we can do."

"You will do as I'm asking you to, or I will wake the judge and bring him down here to tear a strip off you and your entire office."

The police officers fumbled for the keys while speed walking over to the cell to release Neil.

"Wise choice," Karina commented as Neil walked out and hugged Veronica. "He will not be fleeing the country anytime soon. I promise." She snapped at the officers who watched them closely.

Veronica wrapped her arms as tight as she could manage around his body and breathed him in. She closed her eyes. She felt a shift within her consciousness. Like she was having an out of body experience. She watched her body and her husbands from a few feet away, but she couldn't speak or move too far from her physical form.

This wasn't the initial time she had felt this sensation. The last time was the first day she met Neil. She had been going into the kitchen to get toast for breakfast. Her body stopped cooperating, and she was tossed from her internal drivers' seat. Suddenly, she was watching herself take two steps at a time to the landing to the stairs to cushion Neil's fall.

"I can help you, Neil." Veronica watched as her possessed body's lips move. Her voice wasn't the same. She hoped her husband would hear the difference.

Neil grabbed her shoulders and held her back a bit, "Vee—."

"I am not Veronica."

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