
38 13 16

June 11th, 2015
Neil and Veronica Morrison's Residence
Fairview, Pennsylvania

After Neil's close-call earlier in the day, Veronica hadn't felt right. They went to a diner for supper instead of the upscale restaurant where they had reserved a table. It was a mutual decision, no words involved.

They walked for a few blocks instead of getting a taxi as they had planned. The restaurant was located on Main Street with a red neon sign that read 'Greta's.' Both ordered black coffee; they sat and drank without saying a word.

The sun started to sink in the sky, and the shadows shrivelled into nothing. That was when they paid their bill. Veronica couldn't recollect any interaction between Neil and the waitress, either. Maybe the shock deafened her to the sounds around her.

"Everything is ok, Vee," Neil turned her to face him as they reached the front door of their house. "You have had a solemn look on your face since the incident on the street." He pulled her into his chest and squeezed her in his arms, "You are my saviour, and I am yours forever. Not only because you have saved my life more than once, but because without you, I am nothing."

He leaned his head back, and she did the same. They stared into each other's souls. Every second was precious, taking in the many details of one another.

"I love you," Neil leaned in, pressing his body against hers. His lips brushed hers, and their bodies seemed to become entwined—his arms on her back and hers one his arm and shoulder.

"I love you too," she placed her head on the chest and hugged him.


Veronica was relieved to strip out of her restrictive daytime clothes. She slipped into a silk nightgown, "I was invited to a yacht party this weekend, Saturday night." Veronica mentioned as she folded her clothing from that day, "It's a work event for charity," she continued to no reply, "I know you don't like boats, but I thought maybe just this once—"

"No," Neil stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers and a tee-shirt, "I will write a check for the cause first thing tomorrow morning, but you will never convince me to get on a boat." He avoided eye contact as he pulled the covers back and adjusted his pillows on the bed.

She moved her clothing to the hamper, then did the same with her side of the bed, "It's not important. I will donate in person next week. It just sounded like fun."

They climbed into bed and wiggled and adjusted until they both stopped moving.

"I think you should visit your father," Vanessa rolled to her side, facing her husband of two years.

Neil stayed on his back and stared at the ceiling, "We both know that will never happen. He is a danger to himself and everyone around him. He is safest locked away," he cleared his throat and rolled over to face her. "Let's not talk about this, babe," he kissed her nose, "Sleep well, my angel."

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