
37 13 18

June 12th, 2015
Martel insurance offices
Fairview, Pennsylvania

"You won't believe what Veronica asked me last night," Neil stepped out of his office and looked at his secretary, Miranda, who was seated behind her desk just outside his door. His best friend and business colleague, Nicholas, perched himself next to her on a filing cabinet.

Nicholas cocked his eyebrow, "Do tell. I haven't spoken with my wife for a full 24 hours." He stood and walked over to the desk at the other end of the room that held a coffee machine that was crowded and snacks. He poured a cup and took a bite of a muffin and finished chewing. He continued, "She's still mad at me for putting her dress in the washer."

Miranda squinted in disbelief, "That can't be the only reason she's upset, Nico."

He shifted his leaned position against the desk, "It made by some guy named Valentine. Then she told me that it cost over five grand, and it just blew up into this huge argument."

Miranda covered her mouth, and her eyes watered. "You mean Valentino? How could you do that? She has every right to divorce your ass if she chooses," she folded her arms across her chest and turned on her swivel chair to face Neil.

"Give me a break; now you're mad at me too. It's just a simple dress. She could have at least given me heads up. I've never spent more than two grand on clothing. It's not like I did it on purpose."

Neil rolled his eyes at the silly priorities of his fellow staff, "I'm sorry your wife isn't speaking to you, Nic, but you did try to help out with the laundry. You had it coming," Neil chuckled and flinched when Miranda jokingly pulled her balled fist back like she would punch him if he continued.

"Enough of Nico's stupidity. What did Vee ask you last night, Neil?" Miranda changed the subject to avoid any more foolishness.

"She wants me to attend a fundraiser," he paused, "On a boat."

Nico and Miranda were silent for a minute. Neil leaned against his office doorframe and waited for their responses.

"Well, you can't do that," Nico stated, "You told her no, right?"

Miranda shook her head, "It's just one night, how bad could it be?" She looked back and forth between Nic and Neil, "Hello, why shouldn't you go to this event? If your wife thinks it's important, I think you should go to make her happy." She continues to talk as she flipped through a folder that was on her desk, "Always remember boys, happy wife, happy life."

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