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June 15th, 2015
Fair Lane
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Mr. Carter was pensive for a second, "Daniel Jr. was born the same night your great-Uncle Jed magically awoke from a two-day unconscious state, in 1894. Catherine believed he was the reason for her husband's death. She even tried to convince law enforcement at the time. That poor woman was labelled the crazy town lady. She didn't help matters by running around mutter 'the devil made me do it.'" Leonard scratched the back to his hand before searching the hidden pocket inside his suit coat.

"All Norman ever told me was that the reaper was coming. That meant nothing to me. He sounded like a lunatic, so I chose to ignore everything. I was never able to fully grasp why he checked himself into a mental health facility at 40. However, if the curse is real, he would be in greater danger out in the world than locked away." The shock he felt with that realization was monumental. It reverberated through every memory of his parents. The thick coat of paint that was used to cover their saddened demeanours was so obvious. They were never truly happy or loving people. It was all an act to hide the gut-wrenching terror they felt.

"So he wasn't completely in denial. That's good if you meet with him again you'll better appreciate the lesson." Mr. Carter pulled a cigar from the glove compartment and bit off the end, "Do you mind if I smoke?"

Neil shook his head. He imagined what seeing his father would be like. It had been five years.

Leonard blew smoke out the opening window, "Now the reason I brought you out here," he smashed his cigar out the window, "The only house on Fair Lane has been registered to Daniel Morrison for a hundred and twenty-five years. The records show that by all standards, the place should be condemned. Even so, somehow, it had been left standing and still belongs to a man who's been dead for over a hundred years."

"What does this mean?"

"It means, Jed, made a deal with the devil. Catherine wasn't crazy, Jed told her everything. It was so unbelievable that when she reported what he claimed had happened, they were close to locking her up. She was destined to wander knowing the truth but with not a soul who would give her the time of day." He puffed at his cigar and watched the smoke leak out the window, "Daniel used to speak about Jed like he was still around. He wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked about it. My guess is Jed is still living at this house."

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