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June 15th, 2015
Fair Lane
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Neil finished his meeting with Leonard and drove back to the city. He sat in his car for a few minutes at the entrance to downtown. If he drove straight and took a left, he would be back in the parking garage. If he made a right, he would find himself on his way home, taking an early day.

He couldn't imagine going back to work and being useful. How could he concentrate on anything with Leonard's words rattling about in his head? He pulled up to the stop sign and turned right. He needed to discuss this with Veronica. She had been left in the dark on the subject, and it was time for him to tell her everything he knew.

First thing in the morning, he would visit with his father. Maybe after all of this was said and done, he would be able to stop the evil that had imprisoned his family line.


June 15th, 2015
Vee and Neil Morrison's Residence
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Veronica was pulling into the driveway when Neil arrived home, "I thought you were finished at six and going for drinks with Nic."

Neil avoided her questions and pulled her close to his chest for a hug, "I have to tell you something."

Veronica's face contorted from worry, and she put her arm behind his back and motioned for him to go inside. She made a pot of coffee, and they sat across from the kitchen table from one another.

"What's wrong?"

Neil coughed to clear his throat, "This is going to sound crazy." He shook his head and looked down at the table, "There is a curse on my family. It's been going on for over a hundred years. Each member within the Morrison family is destined to die horribly and tragically."

Veronica took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as soon as her eyes were open again.

"I didn't want you to become consumed by fear like my mother was," he sipped his coffee. "That's why she committed suicide."

Vee didn't look surprised. She took everything he said like it was just another day of him telling her about work.

"I think you should go to see your father, Neil. He may know something that could help."

Neil picked up the cordless phone and dialled the number for the rental car facility. He made them aware that he would be in to visit the next morning.

"I met with Leonard Carter today."

Veronica stopped stirring her coffee and looked at his eyes, "You did? What for?"

"He knew my great uncle. He knows all about the curse. He showed me where the curse originated and also told me to visit my father. I'm going to tomorrow. Hopefully, he will be able to give me some answers."

Veronica smiled, "I think he will give you everything you need."

Neil sighed, " I hope so," he reached over and grabbed her hand, "If not, can I count on you to have my back against the devil?"

Vee nodded, "Anything for you, handsome."

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