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Neil grabbed her shoulders and held her back a bit, "Vee—."

"I am not Veronica."


June 18th, 2015
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Neil placed his finger on her lips to stop her from giving any information to the police. He kept his arm around her as they left the police station, walking fast but still keep Karina within a few feet.

The car came to life from the turn of the key. Karina sat behind the steering wheel with a stunned look on her face. It was evident that she knew nothing about Veronica's secret personality.

"What do you mean you're not Veronica? Who are you?" He finally blurted out like an impatient child.

"That is no concern of yours. Just know that I can help you and your family."

Beads of sweat built upon his brow. He used his collar to wipe them away. "What do I call you then?"

The person he once knew as Veronica was no longer there, from what he could tell. She couldn't be gone. The gravity of the situation made his insides feel like they were pulsing. No. She's not gone. No.

He grabbed her shirt collar and brought his face close to hers, "What do I call you? And what did you do with my wife?"

"Your wife is fine, and you can call me Inger." She placed her hands on Neils, and he lowered them from her shirt. "I would never harm your wife's spirit. I have laid dormant within her physical form since her conception. She was destined to meet you."

Karina pulled into a storefront and parked the car. She swung her head around to look at Inger, "You're telling us that you are another person living inside of our best friend? Is that really what you're saying?"

Inger nodded.

Karina and Neil exchanged looks of disbelief. Neil had told Nico about the curse that his family spoke of. Nico was sincere and had no problem telling him off the bat that somehow Karina would get it out of him. As much as Nico wished to be a robust manly figure in his relationship, Karina was the rules. She could smell a secret like a bomb-sniffing dog, and her manipulation skills were fitting of a prosecution lawyer. Nico never stood a chance.

"The souls of your family line were sold to—,," Inger cleared her throat, "To the devil."

"How do you know that?" he leaned toward her.

"It's hard to explain."

He ran his hands through his hair, pulling at it for a second before letting go. "You expect me to believe this?" A heated prickle of rage flowed down his body, "This is fucking bullshit!" He kicked the back of the seat and sat back. "You're secretive because you're lying. I don't know what this is that you're doing, but it's mean and cold-hearted."

Inger's eyes widened, and she grabbed Neil's hands with hers, "I was there when Jed made the deal. I told you before; I've come to protect you."

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