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June 12th, 2015
Neil and Veronica Morrison's Residence
Fairview, Pennsylvania

Veronica pulled out a large bottle of red wine and untwisted the top, "When Karina and Nic get here, I need to show her a new dress I got last week. You can take care of Nic and the food while I'm away, right?"

"It better not have cost five grand," Neil laughed, "Of course, I can take care of everything in your absence. I'm a little offended that you thought you had to ask." He said while wiping down the kitchen table.

"You're such a good man," Vee pulled him closer to her by his shirt, "What did I ever do to deserve someone so perfect?" She caressed his cheek and turned to the oven to take out the cheese baked dip they had prepared for the appetizer round.


"It was I that was blessed, angel," he swatted her rear end as she walked out of the kitchen to answer the door.

Neil and Nic exchanged a quick handshake and moved into the kitchen for a beer. Karina and Veronica giggled like little girls and pranced off to the master bedroom.

The bed shook, and the pillows wobbled when Karina threw her weight on the side of it.

Vee moved through the bedroom to her walk-in closet, "Did your lunch date go well?" She asked loud enough for her guest to hear.

Karina smiled, "It was satisfactory." Vee emerged from the closet as Karina lifted the black Prada purse that was placed beside her, "It's a start. Now about you and Neil," she moved the pricey lipstick holder to the side and motioned for Vee to sit in front of her.

"Well, after meeting in Austria, we came back to the states, and that was it."

Karina tried to speak a few times, but she couldn't find anything to say.

"I've never seen you speechless. I'll be sure to let Nic know that it is possible," Veronica covered mouth as a snort escaped. "It was two years before I saw Neil again. He started going to my elementary school after his mother passed away. We were in different classes and unaware of the change. One day, there was a fight in the schoolyard, and before the bully could throw a punch, I leapt in front of him. I didn't realize until afterwards when we were together in the principal's office that I knew him."

Vee paused for a moment, giving Karina some time to think, "He didn't remember me. It was a few years before he finally warmed up, and we became friends."

"Why didn't he remember you?"

Vee shrugged, "I'm not sure, his father told me he had an accident a while after we first met. Around the same time, his mother passed away, maybe that had something to do with it."


The door inches open and Neil's head poked through, "Supper is ready, ladies."

"Ok, we'll be right out, babe."

The door closed and Karina pulled herself closer, "How many times have you saved his life?"

Vee thought for a second, "More times than I can count on both hands."

"That must be why he calls you his Angel."

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