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The reaper pivoted on his heel, "That depends, how badly do you want it?"



Reaper One pulled a tattered scripture from his cloak pocket. It was rolled up into a tube that unravelled, making a thud when it hit the ground.

"Is that your naughty list?" Jed said with a snort.

"No, my dear friend. It's yours." He grazed his skinless finger over the singed edges, "Every time you did something bad, it was recorded. How else would we decide your sentence?" He read through some of the lists, "Did you mean to shoot your first wife? Did she also leave you no choice? What about the bar fight you instigated? Two men died that night, that was on you."

He paused while he looked further down, "You've heard the drips of blood many times, haven't you. Do you enjoy making others suffer, Jed? You must. This list doesn't provide even two murders that were committed in the same manner. Were you working out a preferred way? What were your plans? Were you going to kill Daniel and Catherine?"

"The game! Is this it? Why are you torturing me?"

"Oh, you think this is torture?" A gust of wind blew over Jed, and Reaper One towered over him, "I'll make it easy for you then. One question. One answer. Which do you choose, your life or that of your family."

Jed's jaw dropped, could it be that simple. Was this the game? What did he want to hear? What could he say to make this all end?

"M-m-my life."

The Reapers maniacal laughter echoed through Jed's ears and continued in his head. It rattled him so profoundly that he was certain it would be the only thing he would ever hear again.

"You are a greedy man, Mr. Morrison." He turned and flicked his hands, large leather-bound, an aged book appeared in his hands. "I've always liked that about you." He searched the pages for a few minutes and pointed to something, "You will be sent back to your body, two days after your fall."

The ties that had strapped him to a rock unleashed and retreated to the shadows. "I'm free? Just like that?"

Reaper One-handed a folded piece of paper,  "There are rules, of course, it wouldn't be a game otherwise."

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