Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Waterfly's P.O.V:

The patrols had just left. Waterfly stared at the sky in longing. She wondered what it was like to be a Starclan cat. To watch over your clan mates but to never be able to help.

Suddenly, screeching was heard from just outside camp. Waterfly gasped as Silversplash burst into camp follwed by her patrol. Behind them came a countless amount of cats. Dark mist swirled around the newcomers and Waterfly stood frozen to the spot. The Dark Forest it attacking!! And everyone is out of patrol!! This is what they were waiting for!!

Waterfly dashed into her medicine den and yowled at Nutwhisker to hide the herbs but he had already started.

She heard the horrible sound of bodies thudding on the ground and the loud screeches of battling cats.

A big brown tabby crashed into the medicine den. Waterfly shot him with a strong water ball. He hissed in pain and Waterfly was glad of how her water powers healed dead plants and hurt dark forest cats.

Waterfly yelled at Nutwhisker to stay in the medicine den and ran out into the clearing.

She created a barrier of water between a small, lithe she cat who was attacking Slowsky. The she cat stumbled, allowing Slowsky to get the upper paw and bring her front paws down onto the she cat.

Waterfly saw a large dark tabby pushing his way through the tight knot of battling cats and make his way to Waterfly she suddenly realises it was Tigerstar from the legends. Her eyes widened and she back away, completely forgetting about her powers. Her mind went numb with shock and all she could do was stutter. "T-Tigerstar.." before he started attacking her with strength Waterfly never knew a cat could hold.


Silversplash's P.O.V:

Silversplash lead her patrol around the outskirks of camp first incase any Dark Forest warriors had already arrived. They found none so they continued around the territory.

They had just passed the training hollow when the sound of dozons of thundering pawsteps were heard. Silversplash flattened her ears and sniffed the air. The scent of blood and death filtered through the air and around Silversplash's patrol. "Their here!!" she screeched.

Just as she said that, countless dark cats burst into the training hollow. Silversplash turned tail and fled back to camp with her patrol at her heels.

They burst into camp and skidded to a halt. Silversplash let her pelt turn silver and felt the warm sensation fill her until she was eager to dig her claws into evil.

The Dark forest cats crashed into camp and threw themselves onto the Lightclan cats.

Silversplash yowled to Bigstep. "Take Blazemoon and Demonkit to the elders den and guard them!!" she saw Bigstep nod and she plunged into the knot of battling cats. She lunged at a small calico tom and tossed him away from his evil companions so that he was cornered. Silversplash raked her silver claws down his spine and he let out a shrill screech of agony.

She felt another cat leap onto her back and she tossed them away. The tom she was fighting before had recovered and he clawed Silversplash's shoulder but his claws only made an irritating noise of claws against silver.

Silversplash grinned and plunged her claws into his chest. He cried out and begged for mercy. Silversplash let him go and he fled Lightclan camp, his tail streaming behind him.

The other cat, a grey tabby, leapt at her but she just clawed him the same way she did with the other tom and sent him squealing back to the Dark forest.

Suddenly, Silversplash felt weak. All the power seemed to be drained from her and she fell to her knees. She looked around to find the source of the power drainer but found no one. Until a cat stepped neatly from the shadows. Her pelt was long and thick. Silversplash's gaze became blurry and she couldn't make out anything else about the strange she cat who was taking her powers. She felt her fur turn back to normal and her head felt dizzy.

Finally, the cat stopped and laughed evilly. "Oh, Silversplash. Not so powerful now. Are you?" she grinned and dug her claws into Silversplash's head.

Silversplash shrieked angrily but couldn't move. She felt paralysed and weak.

"Stolenwhisp! Come here!!" a cat yowled and the she cat looked up and disappeared toward the cat that called her.

Silversplash dragged herself to Skystar's den where she lay, breathing heavily. "Do I still have my power?" she mumbled to herself. Suddenly, she blacked out.


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