Chapter 2

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It was during lunch when I saw him again, he was laughing with his friend Carter. Carter was very attractive too but you barely saw his eyes because he always wore sunglasses. They leaned on the lockers across from mine and he winked at me when I was walking towards my locker.

I looked at the mirror in the back of my locker, I hate looking at my reflection but I use it to look behind me. In the reflection I saw Matt checking me out from behind and mouth damn to Carter, who mouths not even back. I pull out my wallet and my phone and put in my pockets and shut my locker and head for the door.

Matt comes up behind me and puts his hand around my waist pulling me close so he puts a quick kiss on my cheek "hey sexy" he says licking his lips looking at me. I roll my eyes "what do you want Matt?" I say annoyed. "Where are you going?" He says moving his hand down my side closer to my ass. "I'm going out for lunch" I said moving away from him slightly.

He looks at me and scoffs "and you are walking?" He said like he was disgusted. "Uh yes why?" I said defensively, when I go for walks I go and either smoke a few cigarettes or drift off. He pulls me in close and whispers in my ear "come on you're going to have the ride of your life." He says winking and pulling me towards the parking lot.

He pushes me on the hood of his blue camero and leans over me kissing my neck and biting it softly. He was hot how could I resist? I tilted my head back and he smiled against my skin and began to slip his hand under my shirt until I pushed him back a bit. He pouted "baby what's wrong?" He then planted a few kisses on my jawline. "This is wrong, I barely know you Matt. Can I just walk to get lunch?" He then sighs "I can't get anywhere with you can I?" And then he looks at his feet and then looks up and bites his bottom lip. Which drives me crazy.

He got off of me and grabbed my hand and led me towards the passengers seat. He opened the door and I climbed into the seat as he shut it and walked towards the drivers seat. He puts the key in the ignition and pulls forward and out the school parking lot.

He hits on the radio and a series of rock hits come on, he mouthes the words then looks at me "don't you like rock?" He says putting his hand on my leg "no" I say bitterly hitting his hand off. He chuckles and puts his hand on the steering wheel again and turns into the parking lot of a bank. "What are we doing here?" I say lowering my tone. He flips on some sun glasses and puts his hand out "chill babe, I just need some cash for..... Stuff" he then pulls himself out of the car and walks in front of it turning to look at me.

I sit in the car and pout, I was hungry and scared almost like I was kidnapped but by someone very attractive. He came back with an envelop full of money and swung into the vehicle quickly kissing my cheek. He smiled and put the money between us. "Where are we going, hot stuff?" He said lifting off his sunglasses and winking at me. I looked at the clock and sighed "we have 15 minutes left, it takes 3 driving to get to Dairy Queen and then the rest will be driving time." I said doing math in my head. He leans in "I love it when you talk sexy to me" he said teasingly. I rolled my eyes.

He pulled the car forward and looked for oncoming traffic, he then pulled the opposite way of Dairy Queen."What the hell are you doing?" I said enraged. "I'm going to find a Wendy's or something, I gotta have me some chicken!" He said beaming at me. I got even more angered at his happiness to the matter "we are going to be late! I am never late." I said hitting his muscular arm. He opened the window and turned to me with his hair moving slightly "We won't be late, because we aren't going."

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