Chapter 7

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**hey guys just letting you know I am trying to write more, but if you have any thoughts for/about this please tweet me @amyawesome4 I would truly love to hear some opinions, thanks xox**

he takes my hand and leads me to the car, he pulled me to the side of the car and opened the door, as i sat down he flashed me a toothless smile and closed it. He walks around the front of the car when 3 guys approach him, he says something but I can't hear. Then one pushes him on the hood of the car and the others take turns punching him. Blood from his mouth splatters on the windshield and I let out a scream, and they stop and walk towards my door.

I let out another scream as they pry the door open and hold me by my arms as the other two continue to punch him. I wiggle my way free and hit the biggest who is winding up to hit Matt again, he has no effect to it and laughs and the one holds me back again. "Amy stop!" Matt yells, they turn and look at me, the biggest looks at me with a smirk "bring her here" he says as the guy behind me pushes.

The leader takes me from his arms and strings one arm through both of mine from behind my back. The other two men hold Matt's arms. I know what they are going to do, so I start crying and screaming "PLEASE STOP" and Matt looks at me with a look of horror on his face, "not her, please not her" he says quietly trying to choke down tears. The man behind me starts to rub my shoulders and slowly moves down to my chest. I whimper and cry "shhhhh" he whispers in my ear and breathing heavily. He moves his hands around and then goes down my chest to my stomach.

-----------------Matt's POV---------------

I can't believe what I've done. She's suffering right in front of my very eyes. I should never have taken her out. "Don't touch her" I growl. The man behind her seems to be pleased. He moves his hands further down her body, the only one that should be touching her like that is me. He starts planting kisses down her neck as he tries to take off her shirt. I notice the grip on one of the guys hands loosens so I break my arm free and punch the guy holding my other arm. He falls to the ground knocked out and I turn to the other man. It was my cousin Julian.

I feel so betrayed, my own family. He mouthed I'm sorry and I looked at him in the eyes and punch him in the face. Blood runs from his nose and he hits the ground. I trusted him.

I step up to the man holding Amy, he removes his hand from underneath her shirt and I pull her from his grip. A big grin appears on his face. I will get my revenge, for Amy.

----------------Amy's POV----------------

He removes his arms from the two guys grip. He punches the one guy out first and then hesitates at the second. The guy holding me starts moving his hand up my shirt, moving from the front to the back. I try to wiggle free but he tightens his grip on me.

Matt hits the second guy after waiting, I wonder why. I think, isn't that Julian........ Espinosa. His own cousin betrayed him. What a douche. Julian's body hits the ground and blood runs from his nose. I didn't know Matt was so powerful...

Matt grabs my shoulders and rip me from the guys grip, he puts me behind him and stares at the man. The man steps forward at him and throws a punch, Matt swiftly ducks and punches him in the stomach. The man leans over and Matt violently grabs his hair and brings the man's face to his knee. He keeps kneeing him over and over. Finally, Matt lets him go, then he turns to walk away. We go to the car, i pull myself into the passengers seat.

As Matt walks in the hood of the car, the man gets up and runs at him. He grabs Matt by the collar of his shirt and punches him repeatedly. I sit in the car in horror. This is really happening. Suddenly blood splatters on the front window from Matt's mouth.

Matt pushes the man back and he kicks him to the ground. He stomps on his stomach and get in the car. He sits quietly and starts it up and goes in reverse, he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "Matt who was that?" I say shaking. He wipes the blood from his mouth and spits out the window "my cousin Julian is part of a gang, they've been out to get me and Carter for years after our dads, who are cops, busted their leaders" he sped up. "It's not safe at my house, we are going to my other house" he turns onto the highway. I look at the sign.

We are going to Florida.

**Hey this is my after chapter talk, update on my life: I just went to digifest TO, I met a whole bunch of people and got waved at by Kian and JC and pointed at by Connor and CARTER CAUGHT THE KISSES I BLEW HIM. And me and my bf broke up so I have more time to write! Stay beautiful loves!**

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