chapter 5

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** tbh last chapter was hard writing because of the emotions i got from the whole mom thing like omg but this one will be happier so enjoy!xx**

we sat in his car for a minute in complete silence. he exhaled and then started the car and put it in reverse "where do you live again?" he said watching the back mirror "Matt i don't wanna go home" i whined leaning on to him leaving kisses on his neck "please baby" i said biting his neck softly. He smiled "you can stay the night at my apartment if you want, instead of buying booze we can buy something for you to wear tomorrow and tonight" he kissed my forehead and then looked forward "I don't need new clothes Matt' i said shaking my head. He pulled into the mall parking lot "c'mon babe i wanna spoil you"

i whine, i hate being spoiled especially by a complete stranger. We enter the mall and he grabs my hand and smiles at me cutely, i return the smile and entwine my fingers with his. i see a few girls look at Matt as we walk past and check him out. A couple girls winked at him and he waved at them so I gripped his hand tighter. I get jealous easily, i mean he is so hot.

i notice more girls keep looking, some of them even turned around to watch him. i dont know why they are so gaga over him, until i look myself. His shirt clung tightly to his body and caught the ridges of his abs and his muscular arms were clearly visable. "what babe" he said looking down at me with a beaming smile."Nothing" i said coldly and looked forward, we walked past a lot of nice stores and then we jolted to a stop. Of course it was here; we had stopped in front of Victoria's secret.

He looked at me and smirked "no" I said but he tightened his grip on my hand and pulls me in.

Through the rooms filled with bras and panties he stops and looks every once and a while. He points to a thong made of lace and grabs them and scans me with his eyes then grabs the matching bra which was in my size believe it or not. "I'm buying it I get some say in it" he says scanning more lingerie.

I finally pull him into the Pink department, with my hands full of bras, panties and bikinis that he liked. I grab a pair of all black yoga pants and a pink sweater. He looks at me with a skeptical look "those pants and that sweater? No honey." He says pulling me over to the yoga pants "you want the angel wings, because it's tellin me that ass in heavenly."

Next he pulls me to the shirts and pick out a few polos, crop tops and tank tops "this says oh I'm cool and crazy but I'm also sweet and sophisticated he says pulling out a tank too with ripped sides with lace filling in the gaps. He is such a diva.

I grab a few things of perfume which he smells first telling me how sexy it is on a scale of one to ten and a makeup palette. He goes to the cashier who looks at him and bites her lip. I scowls and hug his arm and he looks down at me and I look up at him. He moves his head up and I perk on my tippy toes and peck his lips. She glares at me "your total is $240.56" I gasped "Matt that's a lot of money" he laughed "not really babe" he says pulling out $300 in cash, she takes it and gives him his change and he winks at her as we walk off.

"Why the hell did you do that" I stay stiffly, gripping his hand even tighter. "What?" He said smiling "you know what you did, why did you wink at her?" I said louder than usual. "Because she's hot, what are you jealous?" He said teasingly. I didn't respond and just accelerated speed.

I tried to let get go of his hand but he held it tighter, pulling me back to him. "Why are you so mad anyways, it's not like we are dating." He says with a cocky tone, he knows I'm starting to like him. "Because I'm starting to like you Matt Espinosa!" I yelled. People in the mall turned and looked at me but hen continued their shopping.

He looked at me with a blank expression "I'm only going to hurt you,Amy" he said coming closer and putting his big hand on my forearm. "I can't hurt you" he said sadly and looked at his feet. I stared at him, my heart seemed broken "then why are you here? To play with my heart?" I said rambling on and on. "What no! I-I-I" he said never stuttering like an idiot "you what?!" I said almost yelling.

"I love you" he said staring into my eyes.

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