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*hey guys just want to tell you that my new book which isn't a fanfic sorry is OUT it's called operation: kill Kelli Cline. PLEASE take the time to check it out, it's kinda a high school drama/ murder theme. I hope you like it because I'm so excited to be writing it! Thanks I love you!*


It's a nice Friday morning, beautiful sun and my amazing boyfriend with me. I wake up entangled in sheets, I let out a yawn and rub my eyes. It was a nice day I can just feel it. Before I made any movement an arm pulled me closer and Matt's soft lips touched my cheek ever so slightly "good morning beautiful." His raspy voice whispered.

"Good morning love" he smiled against my face and nudged into my back. "It's early c'mon baby go back to sleep." He said as his eyelashes tickled my back when he closed his eyes. I turn and look over top of him, at the alarm clock on the small bed table. "It's 1:30 in the afternoon there isn't even time for breakfast anymore!" I said hitting his arm playfully to get him up.

I pried myself from his grip and went to the dresser to choose out clothes, he still lay in bed "ugh you are so difficult" then sat up. I smiled at the sense of success I had achieved. He let out a moan and I came over to him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

His eyes were closed and his hair was all over the place, I let out a small giggle and he smiled "it's my hair isn't it?" I giggled again and nodded before straddling his waist. He looked up at me and I looked down at him. I grabbed his face and kissed him, my blonde hair blocking our faces.

I separated our lips and kept my forehead to his, he smiled and kissed my nose. "Get up" I teased. He put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up, not breaking our little forehead thing.

He walked me down the stairs and to the kitchen. Finally, he sat me on one of the bar stools as he walked in the kitchen. "What can I get for a lovely lady like you" he winked, I could feel the small blush rise to my cheeks. "Smiles like the French fries and chicken nuggets" he nodded at my request "of course m'lady" he laughed and dug into the freezer.

I went down to the basement and grabbed two bottles of beer, one for him and one for me. I don't drink much but damn it would be nice right now.

As I walked up the steps I saw him pulling my food out of the oven and I smiled "look what I got" I said as he turned and I held up the bottles. He smiled back at me "I've been dying to have one, thank you my dear" he said as I walked to him and gave him the bottle. He pulled me in and kissed my forehead.

I giggled as I watched him pull the food out of the oven and put them on two separate plates. "Ketchup?" He asks starting towards the fridge. "Yes please" I say as cutely as I can as I watch the sides of his face lift up as he smiled and pulled out the red bottle.

He pulls the two plates and puts a huge wad of the red ketchup on the sides and loads the plates with smiles and chicken nuggets.

"Amy, I need to go into town for a bit tomorrow" he spoke down to the plate, not looking in my eyes. "Why?" I say curiously, "I need to see someone." He sighs and swirls the chicken nugget in his hand in the wad of ketchup.

He didn't seem to want to talk about it, so I shrugged "Okay, what car are you taking?" I spun in my chair, nibbling the chicken I had. As I turned he was smiling and leaning on the counter "probably the volvo" he shrugged and continued to eat, i watched him eat for a minute. He was slowly chewing, theres something hes not telling me.

and im gonna find out 

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