Chapter 9

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*Matt's POV*

Hearing those words make me sick, "no Amy, Matt Espinosa never fails" she laughs and runs her fingers through her hair "well prepare for your first." Hearing her say that makes me mad, I step on the gas and her eyes widen "Matt slow down." I weave through people and cut some off "Matt stop!" She says raising her voice.

I can't stop, hearing that makes me so mad. Doesn't she understand I love her? I'm going to put an end to this no matter how long it takes me, weeks, months, years even decades! I'm going to make her happier than ever before.

Tears pour out of her eyes "Matt please stop" her voice shakes. I look over at her to see her crying, my anger has escaped my body and was replaced by sadness. I slowly hit the breaks and slow down. "Amy please stop..." I say taking one hand off the wheel and putting it on her thigh. She looks up at me with teary eyes "you scare me sometimes Matt" I look down. Hearing that makes ME even fear myself.

I can't even imagine being feared by the person I love.

-----------------Amy's POV---------------

Why did he go bezerk? I only told him the truth. This is not the day I planned, in fact I was planning on sleeping. I wanna go home, I'm so lost here. "Dammit, I'm sorry" he says hitting his hand off the steering wheel. I put my hand lightly on his arm "for?" I say looking at him. "For dragging you with me, I feel terrible" he says trailing off.

Well, he should be sorry I mean he made me come with him. I could've been at home with my cats and my Internet. This is okay too though, I feel like I'm in a action/romance movie, like an romaction movie. I also could've been ignored and reading all those hate emails I still receive, and cutting. I feel my pocket, there's a blade. I smile slightly and Matt looks over "what?" He says smiling, he must really like me. "Nothing babe" I say, his face lights up as he entangles his hand in mine.

**********like an hour later**********

"Amy. Wake up" I hear softly being whispered in my ear "babbbbeeeee" he plants a kiss under my ear. Damnnn. My eyes flutter open to see his smiling face over me "we are here" he says helping me sit up. I look around, it's a glamorous beach house, and a private beach. "Where are we?" I say rubbing my eyes, shit.

He helps me stand and grabs my hand "this is my beach house" he says pointing his hands at the house like a presenter. My mouth slightly opens, it is light blue with brown wood tiles on the roof. There is a long balcony with a staircase leading to it, there was tons of windows looking out onto the beach. It was beautiful.

Matt interrupts the silence "I'm planning on living here with my wife......... When I'm married of course" he says. I can feel him looking at me and smiling. I have a warm and fuzzy feeling. I start walking to the house and then I stop. "What babe?" Matt says.

"I have nothing to wear, no makeup, no nothing" I say gasping. "We'll you don't have to wear anything" he says chuckling, I try and hold back a smile and hit him. He's so sexual. He takes my hand and leads me to the house and stops at the door. He turns "you ready?" He smiles.

"I'm ready" I say as I take a step into the house.

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