Chapter 21

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Kaay P.O.V

 Friday-3/20/2015 2:40pm

 Me,London and Paris on our way to the nail shop. We definitely love spending money. London and all this damn singing is really irritating my life right about now. I'm tryna concentrate on not totaling my car and she wanna play.

 "Daaammnn London! Shut the hell up." She just look at me and bust out laughing. Too bad I was dead ass serious. "Ouuhh! This my song." Oh lord! She look at me and start singing. 

 "Girl come through

 and let's do 

 what we do 

 in your imagination.

 When i'm gone,

 show me how you pretend."


 I look at her and laugh. "Damn bitch! I ain't know you can hit them high notes like that." She look at me and smirk. "Well I have had a lotta practice." "I noticed." She looked at Paris sleeping in the backseat. I  wish Tay was ready for a child. I think I'm ready. I just wanna have a mini me. Somebody I know that's gone be there forever. Somebody that's never gone give up on me. Somebody that's gone love me regardless. I'm ready for that shit!

 "Damn! My baby always sleep." I looked at London and laughed. "She was born on Janurary 15th, it's only March 20th. You do the math. She still a baby!" "I knnooww. But I'm ready for my baby to grow up! I'm bored. And I gotta go back to work on Monday. She better start crawlin' this weekend." London has no sense! " I got Monday off. I might just go in for the money tho." London nods her head. We pull up to the nail salon. I grab Paris and we walk inside. 


 Tay P.O.V

 "Tiny! Put that down." "Daddy I play. It's just a toy" This lil girl tryna debate with me. She round here grabbin' vases off the table and shit tryna play. "Put it down." She put it down and run in the back. My mama better not come up here trippin'. . I just been chillin' at moms house for bout a week. I'm tired of Kaay spazzing out on me for days at a time when I did only tiny little thing. . My mama come up front. 

 "Why Tiny cryin'?" "Ask her,mama. She right there in yo arms." She put Journey down and gets in my face. Oh shit! "Boy! I can still whoop that ass. I asked you a question and we both know that's not the response I wanted." I looked behind her and seen Journey sticking her tongue out at me. Ima beat her ass! "Ma just chill!" "Don't tell me to chill. Ain't no fuckin' chill! I asked you a question. You been livin' up in my house these past few days. Eatin' my food. Breathing up my good air! Ain't no chill. Try me again Jovantae." She grab Tiny and walk in the back. I grab my car keys and leave. I can't deal with this shit!


 (Filler Chapter.. I Think I Got "Writers Block")

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