Chapter 22

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Beaast P.O.V 

 Thursday 11/26/2015 (Thanksgiving Day) *8 Months Later* 6:23pm

 "Good job bae." "I really did good?" "Yes. You neck and neck with my personal barber." "Aww bae. Thank you" "You welcome. Now go get Perry so we can go." "Alright." London been goin' to hair school,tryna get her license. She do real good. I just had her tape up mine. She be doin' Perry hair. That's another nickname we got for Paris. Speaking of Paris,my babygirl crawling! She be zooming forreal. That's my little genius. My baby know how to talk a lil' bit and all. She smart forreal. She must be got that from me and got her good looks from her mama. Speaking of mama, Ms. April calling me now. She invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner. 

 "Hey Mama" "Hey baby! Yall on the way?" It start at 7:00 "Yes ma'am. London puttin' the finishing touches on Pay,now." She probably fixing Paris curly ass hair. "Tell London to get outta my baby space and let her live! Paris gone be beautiful regardless. My babygirl gone be done bit her with them lil 6 pegs she got in her mouth." I laugh. My baby gone grow some more teeth soon! "Yes ma'am. I'll tell her." "Alright. Yall hurry up cause Tay and Kaay already complaining." Them damn fat asses! "Alright. We'll be there shortly." "Alright. Bye" "Bye." I hung up. 

 "London! Come on. Our friends are hungry." I walk into our room and see her with Paris sitting in between her legs while London spraying water on her hair. "Alright. I'm done. I'm done." "Daaadddyy." Paris start reaching for me. I grab her and kiss her cheek. "Daaddyy." "What Paris?" She look at me and puts her fingers in her 2 deep dimples. That mean she wants another kiss.  I smile and kiss her on both of her cheeks. She giggles and lays her head on my shoulders. "I'm ready. How I look?" I look up and see London with a white skirt with black horizontal lines,a red bandeau and some black open toe flats with bows on them. "You look good,bae." "Thanks" "I'm mad I ain't get the memo to wear red." Both of them got on red ! Paris got on some red shorts with a red,white and black minnie mouse shirt . Her red,black and white Jordan 13s and a black bow on top of her big ol' ponytail. "I'm sorry bae. It was a last mintue thing! Come on." London walks out and we follow her. I lock the door and we get in London's car. 


 London P.O.V

 We just pulled up to Ms. April's house. I knock on the door and Tay answers. 

 "Wass good,fam" Him and Beaast dap. I smile and give him a side hug."Where France?! I mean Paris!" He do that shit all the time. My baby name is not France! I laugh and mush his head. "Whatever. Where Kaay?" He picks Paris up and points to the kitchen. "I shoulda known." I said and walked to the kitchen. When I got in there,Journey was sitting on Kaay lap eating. "Well damn,hey fat ass." Kaay looks up at me and smiles. "Girl! We couldn't wait." "We? Ain't nobody eatin' but you!" "I'm--" Kaay got cut off by Beaast and Tay loud asses coming in the kitchen yelling. "WHAT UP DAAWWGG!" Beaast held his arms out to Kaay. Kaay got up and held her arms out to Beaast. "WHAT UP DAAWWGG!" I really hate that loud shit. They hug and Ms. April come out from the back of the house. I walk up to her. "Hey mama." She hugs me. "Hey baby. Where perry?" I point at Paris still in Tay's arms. She walks over there and speaks to Beaast and grabs Paris from Tay. "Yall ready to eat?" Ms. April asks and we all nod and sit down at the table. Journey sitting on the side of Tay and Ms. April still holding Paris. "Alright. Let's start with what we're thankful for and then we'll say grace and eat." Everybody nods. "I'll go first. I'm thankful for all of you all and my beautiful grandbaby you have given me,Tay. And Beaast and London, you guys gave me a beautiful god baby which I will love and treat like one of my own." I smile and make a heart with my hands. "I'll go next. I'm thankful for my mom,my best nigga Beaast,his main rider London,and my beautiful daughter Journey. And to the girl with the good pussy,Kaay. I'm thankful for you too,girl." Kaay blushes and we all start laughing. "I'll go. I'm thankful for you,Ms. April,my nigga Tay,my dawg Kaay,my wonderful babygirl Paris and my amazing rider,London. I love yall,mane." I look at Beaast and smile with tears in my eyes. "Alright. I'm thankful for you Mama April,my homeboy Tay,my main girl Kaay,my awesome daughter. And my rider,Beaast. Thank you guys." I say and laugh. Kaay stands up and grabs something out her purse and starts talking. "I'm thankful for everyone at this table. Yall already know i ain't with the mushy mushy crap. I do love all yall,tho. I'm really thankful for you,Tay cause without you,I wouldn't have you." She starts rubbing her belly and holds up the pictures she pulled outta her purse. It's sonogram pictures! Tay stands up and they kiss. Beaast starts clapping. Ms. April starts crying and I just sit there in awe. My bestfriend having a baby! I'm so excited!


 Tay P.O.V

 My baby having a baby! She ain't even tell me. That's besides the point right now,tho. I'm finna have another child. I'm so fuckin' happy. I smile and start rubbing on her belly.

 "How many months are you Kaay?" London asks. "Two. I just officially got it confirmed last friday tho." I smile. "Alright. I'm happy and all but can a brother get somethin' to eat?" Beaast asks and we all laugh and grab hands. "I'll pray." I look at my mama and smile. She smiles back and begins praying. . . When she got done we all dug in.


 Kaay P.O.V

 Yes I'm Pregnant! I'm extremely excited. I'm gonna be somebody mama! That's a wonderful thing. No I didn't set Tay up. We've discussed a child before,but on one lucky night he happened to go raw and we created a little blessing. I want a girl soooo bad,but if it is a little boy I'll definitely love him just the same. I love my unborn! .. After dinner, me and London went outside on the back patio to talk. I hope she not angry. 

"2 months,huh?" London asks. "Yep. 2 months. Only 7 more to go." She nods her head. "Well bestie. I'm proud of you! Congratulations. Yall baby gone be cute." I smile and rub my belly. It's very tiny. "Thank you bestie." She nods her head. "Welcome to the mommy club!" She opens her arms and I hug her. "What about your job?" "Unemployed. I quit and actually I haven't been looking for a job." "When you quit?" "Uhm. Last Saturday." She  nods her head. "That's good cause you wouldn't want your little girl around that kinda stuff." "Yeah. I definitely wouldn't. I'm hoping for a girl,too." "Really? They a handful. You see what I gotta deal with." I laugh. I'm finna be somebody mama!  

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